Look up<3

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Finney's POV:
"Shit", i slept in again,"shit shit shit"i whispered while angrily putting on my dirty converse,"GWEN COME ON! YOU HAVE 3 SECONDS BEFORE I LEAVE WITHOUT YOU!" Seconds later I heard loud thudding followed by strings of curse words,yup,that's Gwenny,"well? Cmon let's go!" She grabbed my arm before I had the chance to finish my shoes,it'll be fine,I'll do them in first period.

~time skip to lunch~

Finney's POV (still) :

"Hey Finn!"I felt light impact on my shoulder,"how's it going?" I smile at my best friend,quickly relaxing ,"yeah,I'm good,just excited" I start eating my food,but I stop when I realised Robin is staring at me strange,"what?is there food on my face?" I half laugh,a bit nervous,"what's happening later?" He asks me sounder suspicious of my every word,"Baseball." Is all I can blurt out before stuffing more food in my face so I wouldn't have to answer any more questions ,"but you don't have practice today" ,i forgot that he knows my practice schedule better then I do,"if only you paid as much attention to maths as you do to my baseball practice you wouldn't be failing " robin looked at me with wide eyes,quickly opening his mouth to say something in his defence before shutting it,throwing a piece of bread crust at my head ,"fuck you dude" he says smiling,"you to ",i cough," Bruce is practicing with me." I say as quietly as I can,Robin putting his face as close to me as possible smiling ear to ear" you mean you got the Bruce Yamada to practice with you? Again? I thought he'd surely run away after the first time "this time I throw food at him,"hey!" He says brushing his hand over his hair,"yes,now I need to go,I'll talk to you later Robin",i start waking towards the doors,until I feel weight on my shoulders,I turn to see Bruce ,smiling down at me,"hey finney! I hope you can still make it to our practice later" he says,slightly squeezing my shoulder,I smile back,holding the urge to scream at the sudden contact with him,"yeah,yeah I mean of course,later,I'll see you then" i mentally kick myself,probably sounding stupid,"heh,ok,see you then finney"he says tapping my arm then jogging off to the gymnasium.

~time skip to right before "practice"because I said so~

Bruce's POV (FINALLY) :

I finished setting up the field,waiting for finney to arrive,I sat down on one of the bases,until my vision is gone,"guess who?" ,i stifle a laugh,"hmm,could it be finney?" I say pulling his hands down and turning to him,not letting go if his hands,"how did you guess?!" Finney says ,sarcasm in his voice ,"you've gotten good at that,maybe a little too good" I smile,before looking around to see if anyone can see us,after making sure the coast is clear,I pull finney into a hug,draping my arms around him,resting my chin on his shoulder,feeling him do the same,I very quickly remembered our "practice"," do you remember why I asked you to meet me here?" I asked,taking his hands and leading him to a dry clean patch of grass,"for practice?" He says,confused,"well actually.." I sit him down,moving to sit behind him,with my knees up either side of his legs,him bringing his knees up to match mine,"look up" with that,Finn looked up,instantly looking Like a child that had seen the most beautiful thing in the world for the first time," Bruce! It's so pretty!"Finn put his head back against my shoulder,pointing and saying everything he knew about each constellation and planet and separate stars,"what?" Finney laughed,"huh?" I was confused,"why are you looking at me like that?","oh,well,because like these stars,you are also very pretty Finn", i kissed him on the cheek,he smiled and put his head back down,slowly rubbing circles onto my knuckles,you're pretty too Bruce" Finney said quietly ,"well finney,as Much as I'd love to stay here with you,it's time to go" I said pointing towards my parents car that was pulling up ,"lead the way " Finney took my baseball jacket running to the car.

Finney's POV:

I ran inside my house waking goodbye to Bruce and his parents,having successfully Stolen his jacket again,I went upstairs and sat with gwenny getting ready to watch a movie,convinced nothing could ruin today,until my dad came in with the phone in hand,saying something about a kid ,slurring their name...
Robins name.

—————————authors note————————
838 words wow! I wasn't expecting this,but this part was heavily inspired by @lukatbh ,so please go and show them so much love and kindness,good night my lovelies <3

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