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This will be a brance and brinney one shot with a hint vinney if you squint of cus poly Bruce Finney and Vance is my favorite headcannon rn🫶(this is also set further in the future,they are in college now)
Enjoy lovelies <3

Bruce's POV:
My homework,all I was trying to do was my homework,but Vance had other plans,"Vance please,ik you're bored but I really need to do this",i turned to look at my boyfriend who was sat on my floor ,messing around with my jacket ,talking about how he wanted to go play pinball,"but I've got nothing to do,you want to just sit here and stare at you while you work?" I pinched my nose and looked back at him,"if that's what you want to do,yes,but please just give me some time to finish this", Vance just nodded silently and got up,walked over to my bed and laid down,as much as I wanted to go and hug him,I needed to finish this,"thank you Vance" ,he shrugged and turned to face the ceiling,about 15 minutes later and there is a continuous bang,I turn around to see him throwing my baseball that I kept from school at the ceiling ,"Vance,love,please" Vance was about to say something when my bedroom door swung open,I jumped up knocking my chair over,Vance sat up straight ,onky to be met by an extremely smiley finney,"oh ,hey Finn"I hugged him quickly,making Vance scoff,"you ok Vance?" Finney looked over at him,Vance just pointed at my unfinished homework,"he's busy" he said with venom in his voice,I just patted Finney's back,"why don't you gu sit with him,show him what you brought" I smiled at him,Vance looked between us confused,"yeah of course!" Finney kissed my cheek before jumping on my bed next to Vance,pulling out a small metal rectangle,"what's this?" Vance tried poking it,but finney snatched it away,"it's called a DS Vance,and I got a game that you might like" after about 5 minutes finney found the game he was looking for,passing the DS to Vance,who's face lit up instantly," IS THIS FUCKING PINBALL!" He shouted ,shoving the DS as close to his face as possible,i turned back to my homework , finishing before getting up and waking over to my boyfriends,finney sat behind Vance playing with his hair as Vance leant against him,quietly playing pinball,swearing and hugging every now and then making finney stifle a laugh,i sat next to finney,giving him and Vance a kiss on the forehead,before slumping back and watching them bicker over the games,just happy to have them both safe here with me

—————————authors note————————-

502 words , I hope you guys like this,please don't be shy and request ships and a plot for a fic,hope you enjoyed,by my lovelies <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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