𝟑.𝟑 ❥ 𝖯𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗌𝖾...𝖺𝗒𝖾?

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❝ 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐞...𝐚𝐲𝐞? ❞


𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯:

"Hermione, do you think tinted chapstick is too much?" I stared at the mirror in front of me, which reflected Hermione lying on her bed.

Hermione looked up from her potions textbook. "I thought you said it was just quidditch practice."

I turned behind me to see her smirking up at me. I frowned at her.

"It is just answer the question Hermy," I said turning back towards the mirror.

"Yes, I mean what if you guys snog or something. He'll taste strawberry," Hermione said, stifling a laugh.

I grabbed the pillow next to my desk and threw it at her. It had caught her off guard and hit smack in the middle of her face. I snorted, as she sent a glare and continued reading her book.

"Like I have mentioned to you before, I have no feelings towards Harry or to be honest anyone, thank you very much." I exclaimed continuing to apply my lip balm.

I walked over to wear she was laying and told her, "If you think I like Harry, when I get back let's talk about Ron shall we" I smirked as she let out a dramatic gasp.

"I do not like Ron, what wrong assumptions" She exclaimed sending glares towards me. I smiled once again, "I'll be on my way to practice now Hermy, goodbye"

she looked back up once more, "If you do snog do tell every detail!" she called out as i began to exit our room.

I finally got to the quidditch pitch, to see Harry hold two broom sticks in his hands.
"Hey Y/n," He smiled passing me a broomstick.

"Hi!" I smiled back at him. "So are you ready to loose by the youngest seeker in the century or what?" he smirked, I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Sure, Potter" I smiled as i flew off into the air, Harry following me.  Harry played as a keeper which was a terrible mistake, whilst I threw quaffles at him. We played for a good 2 hours, I almost scored every quaffle i shot at him.

We eventually came down and I spoke, "Your a horrible keeper, you know," I snorted as he rolled his eyes, "Well if you haven't notice love, I'm a seeker, not a keeper" a grin appeared on his face.

Love. For some reason it sent butterflies turning in my stomach. Weird I played it off and continued our conversation.

"We'll have to start doing this more often...aye?" he questioned, I happily nodded in agreement.

We both walked back to the gryffindor common room, but along the way Emmelyn bumped into us, "Hey erm I need you for a second" she said pointing at me.

Odd. She doesn't normally come to me for something that isn't that important. Harry looked confused unsure who she is but, I followed Emmelyn to the Library.

"So what's up?" I asked her, she looked at me smiling, "I need your help getting with someone," A grin formed on my face.

"My sister, Emmelyn Parr needing my help getting with someone" I teased as she hit my arm playfully.

"So give me the details, whos the lucky person?" I asked intrigued. Emmelyn reluctantly said, "Now your friends with them but it's not them."

"What? So you mean their sibling?" I asked her, she nodded. "So Ron's sibling" I smirked at her once more.

I took a good moment before taking a guess, "Emmy Part likes Ginny Weasley" I whisper shouted. Emmy shushed me but reluctantly nodded her head.

I could scream. "So ask her to study with you, it can be a study date and then get to know her" I suggested as we stood up. She hugged me as we walked out of the Library to go back to our dorms.

I got back into my dorm and saw Hermione sitting on my bed, smiling. "So practise...aye?" she threw a pillow at me as I walked over to my bed and sat next to her.

"It was alright but on the way back I got caught up with Emmy," I told her, not sure what she would want hear more about.

"Emmy wanted you? That's a first!" She said as I scowled at her but nodded my head. "Screw practice what did she want?" Hermy asked more eager than ever.

"She wanted help asking someone out." Hermione let out a screech, "Omg who," Me and Hermione were dead close to Emmelyn so luckily Emmy will eventually tell Hermy.

"After dinner..." I told her. "So back to practice then." Hermione said smiling. "Nothing major happened, however I swear I saw him glance at my lips a few times but other than that."

"There's got to be more stop leaving things out, I know you to well Y/n Parr" Hermione exclaimed, she really did know me to well.

I gave in, "He called me" I let me head fall into her shoulder as she let out a small screech. "WHAT!" Hermione was happier than ever, I smiled.

We spent ages gossiping about the quidditch practise and didn't realise the time, 18:15pm
"Omg look at the time it's, dinner already." I spoke getting out of bed.

I quickly got out of the clothes i wore to practise and shoved on some jogging bottoms and a ribbed t-shirt and me and Hermy went down to dinner.

(A/N: Pretend you can wear anything to dinner and lunch. Lunch = Weekends only)

We made it down to the great hall and walked over to the Ravenclaw table. I spotted Emmelyn and asked to speak to her after dinner with Hermione, she agreed smiling towards the two of us.

We then made it back over to the Gryffindor table sitting next to Ron and Harry. "You alright?" Ron asked us, "Who were you speaking to just at the Ravenclaw table?" He asked curiously.

"Not that it's any of you business but Emmelyn," Hermione said bitterly, a bit harsh but go girl I thought to myself.

"The same girl who dragged y/n away earlier?" Harry asked bringing himself into the conversation. "Yes Hazza it is." I said calling him something that I've never called him before.

"Hazza?" Harry questioned, stifling a laugh. "Hey I didnt mean call you that it just came out" I quickly defended, Hermione raised her eyebrows at me and I shot her a glare and she soon stopped.

 "Hey I didnt mean call you that it just came out" I quickly defended, Hermione raised her eyebrows at me and I shot her a glare and she soon stopped

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୨⎯ "𝗁𝗉𝗏𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗌" ⎯୧

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