In the halls

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I trudge down the school hallways. I am tired after last night's events. I tug at the arm of my sweatshirt to make sure it will stay down. The last thing I want is for someone to see my scars. I can hear their thoughts as I walk by. They want to steer clear. They don't want to interact with me. I hear them call me names. I hear what they think of me. Yeah, I am the weird girl. I hear it everywhere. The whispers of their mind is overwhelming but I can't show it. I have to act normal.

I walk into the class. I keep my head down. I know they're staring. I sit at the back of the room. I pull out my notebook and wait for the rest of the students to arrive. I slightly tilt my head up to see her arrive. I push my hair behind my ear and look down. I hear footsteps. I see her be-sparkled black flats walk to the desk next to me. I try not to look over at her but I get the feeling she is looking at me. I try to preoccupy myself by pretending to write.

The bell rings and I hear the students shuffle to their seats as the teacher takes attendance. I try to focus this period but somehow my gaze lands on her. She is a redhead beauty. Her hair is so long and shiny compared to my short and dull brown hair. She is wearing jeans and a band t-shirt. I am wearing an ugly green sweatshirt and sweatpants. Oh god, she's gorgeous.

I can't get her out of my mind- wait... this is wrong. I can't. I want to like her but... others don't. They say I need a man. What I need is someone who will make me happy. She can make me happy. She can save my planet.

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