Pokemon World Adventures: Chapter 173

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Ghetsis clone: Smart move. But once I'm done with you, I'll just go after them myself.

 But once I'm done with you, I'll just go after them myself

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Guzma: That's if you can beat me. (And the odds definitely aren't in my favour. But if I can get in close, this should be easy.) You ready, Golisopod?

Golisopod: Pod!

Ghetsis clone: This is pointless. Reshiram, use Fusion Flare!

Guzma: Dodge and use Liquidation!

Reshiram clone: *Roars* *Uses Fusion Flare*

Golisopod dodges Fusion Flare and Liquidation hits the Reshiram clone.

Guzma: (That looked like it dealt more damage than it should have. What's going on here?)

Ghetsis clone: Blue Flare!

Reshiram clone: *Roars* *Uses Blue Flare*

Guzma: (I wanna try something here.) Let it hit you.

Golisopod: Goliso!

Blue Flare hits Golisopod.

Guzma: (There it is again. That Fire Type Move should've done more damage to Golisopod than it did.) Golisopod, focus all of your power into a Liquidation attack!

Golisopod: Pod!

Golisopod stands there, focusing its power into a Liquidation attack.

Ghetsis clone: That won't get you anywhere! Use Blue Flare!

Reshiram clone: *Roars* *Uses Blue Flare*

Blue Flare hits Golisopod.

Ghetsis clone: I wouldn't advise doing nothing if I were you. Eventually, you'll lose.

Guzma: Yeah, you're right. The me in the past wouldn't have even thought about accepting this battle. But our battle with that kid taught us a valuable lesson. If we keep running away, we'll never become stronger. So we'll not run away. Never again! Now, Golisopod!

Golisopod: Golisopod! *Uses Liquidation*

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Golisopod: Golisopod! *Uses Liquidation*

Liquidation hits the Reshiram clone, and it turns into a liquid-like substance.

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