Pokemon World Adventures: Chapter 179

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Ash: So basically what you're saying is that we just need to get stronger? Then we'll be able to defeat a boss all by ourselves?

Ash: So basically what you're saying is that we just need to get stronger? Then we'll be able to defeat a boss all by ourselves?

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Kirito: Well...uh...I guess? Bu...

Ash: Then it's settled. Time for some super intense training!

Pikachu: Pika!

Killua: I second that.

Agil: Hey, hold on a sec. You three just barely got out of a fight. You need to rest.

Ash: Bu...

Agil: No buts. If Kirito and I can help it, we won't let anyone die. And given what you told us about how you got here, the rest of you need to take it easy too.

Kirito: He's right. Just take it easy for today, and tomorrow I'll take you somewhere nobody will bother you guys. It's perfect for grinding levels.

Jessie: Grinding levels?

Kirito: Oh right, sorry. I forgot you guys aren't actually players in this game. I should've said that it'll be perfect for you guys to get stronger without any interruptions.

Someone enters the back room.

Pink haired girl: Hey Agil, you've got...customers?

Kirito: That timing was awful, Liz.

Liz: Hey, you don't have to be so rude! Anyway, who're your new friends? And why don't they have health gauges?

Meowth: Oy Vey, do we really have to do this again?

Liz: A talking cat!? No way, he's so cute!

Agil: No so loud! Here, I'll go take care of the customers.

Agil: No so loud! Here, I'll go take care of the customers

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Agil leaves the back room.

Liz: O...kay? So what's going on here?

Kirito: I'll explain, don't worry.

Kirito introduces Ash, Pikachu, Killua, Alluka, Bakugo and Team Rocket to Liz while informing her of their situation. During this, Agil deals with his customers then closes the shop before coming back into the back room.

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