Pokemon World Adventures: Chapter 177

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Ash: I used up all my energy on that last attack.

Pikachu: Pika.

Killua: Let's just hope that Electroweb is enough to beat it

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Killua: Let's just hope that Electroweb is enough to beat it.

The Gleam Eyes destroys Electroweb.

The Gleam Eyes: *Roars*

Killua: Me and my big mouth.

The Gleam Eyes run towards Pikachu.

Ash: Pikachu!

A huge door suddenly opens, and a man dressed in black runs in and starts attacking The Gleam Eyes with a sword.

Ash: *Sigh* Thank goodness.

The Gleam Eyes easily counters the man dressed in black, knocking him back.

Man in black: Gah!

The Gleam Eyes: *Roars*

Bakugo: That's it, I've had enough!

Man in black: Don't even try to fight it! You won't win!

Bakugo: And what makes you think that you can!?

Man in black: I don't! I know that this thing is too strong of all of us to take on! We need to retreat and come back with more people!

Jessie: Is that even an option!? Because I don't think that thing will let us get out of here alive!

Man in black: Wait...you don't know? A Boss Monster can't leave the Boss Room, so if we get out of here we'll be fine.

you don't know? A Boss Monster can't leave the Boss Room, so if we get out of here we'll be fine

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Jessie + James + Meowth: Boss Monster?

Killua: (I knew it. We're inside a video game, just like Greed Island.)

The Gleam Eyes: *Roars*

Man in black: Everybody, move now!

Alluka and Team Rocket run through the door.

Man in black: You guys too! Get going!

The Gleam Eyes is about to punch the man in black, but Bakugo uses his quirk to knock him out of the way and takes the punch, getting knocked out of the room.

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