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This story will contain boy x boy relationships and polyamory. So, if you don't like or are not comfortable with the following, kindly click the left arrow on the corner of your browser. Trust me, doing this will be better for both of us. 

I know it must be frustrating to keep finding things you're not fond of, and I'm sorry you had to deal with that, however, there are millions of other stories out there, so don't stop searching! You'll find a story that meets your tastes. 

The thunder boomed in the distance and the lighting flashed not soon after, the entrance being given the heaven parted, and a low growling voice shook the earth with its exclamation. "MaelstormOfEmotions does not own Harry Potter, J.K Rowling does."



Inspired by: Three by aslytherpuff

Inspired by: i'll be there for you by padfootastic

Inspired by: shovel talk by padfootastic

Before you kill me, the names are exactly how the authors labeled them. I put them as such for easier searching. 

Also—as far as I'm aware—these fics are only on AO3. Sorry, Wattpad users! 



Headcanons that I've adopted for this story:

Fred and George have amber eyes. Okay, so this is not much of a headcanon 'cause is just a simple visual but, I've always imagined them with amber eyes when I first read the books. Since they reminded me of foxes (yes, I know foxes can have brown eyes as well) and foxes are known for being tricksters, I thought this fit perfectly. I'm putting this here so I don't get any comments like "Fred and George's eyes are brown/blue." I know but, I just like them with amber eyes.

Sirius calls Harry nicknames like 'pup', 'honey', 'baby', 'champ', and 'sport' and Remus calls him 'cub'. I just think it's cute and that Hary deserves to be coddled. It won't be used in letters or stuff like that but will be used. I'm sorry if you don't like it but, this has grown on me.

Sirius can sing. I think this is pretty self-explanatory but, I'm not gonna lie I kept this for the simple fact that I want to have a scene where Sirius sings Harry to sleep. 

Sirius was a Quidditch commentator like Lee Jordan. I know, many fanfictions have Sirius as a beater, and don't get me wrong I love the idea but, for me, I've always thought of Sirius doing commentary like Lee Jordan. Saying stuff like "And there's our excellent chaser James Potter making a goal for Gryffindor and looking ruggedly handsome as he does it too." I just think that suits him better. 

Sirius is a great cook. Okay, I took this one from padfootastic but, the idea of Harry and Sirius cooking together is just too adorable to resist. 

Sirius and Remus give A+ cuddles. You cannot change my mind. 

Remus is a sarcastic child. Frankly, I see Remus as the sarcastic child who really doesn't give a fuck about the world when he has books. He cares but he's really fucking sarcastic. You know what this means, don't you? Sarcasm Battle: Remus Lupin VS Harry Potter; Fight!

Harry Potter's grandparents' names are Euphemia and Fleamont. I'm just gonna be using these names for this fic. 

James was a mother hen. James Potter always takes care of his friends with endless patience and a long-suffering look on his face, eerily reminiscent of Euphemia Potter. Read padfootastic works, enough said. 

Tall and muscled as fuck James looks intimidating at first glance but is just a huge softy. You know it. I know it. padfootastic again. 

Lily Evans had a poisonous tongue. padfootastic again but, honestly the idea stuck to me because can you imagine the banter between her and Snape during their friendship? Epic.

Harry does not care that Sirius sometimes calls him James. Because Harry would have realized that 13 years of being surrounded by Dementors would not have been good for Sirius's mental health, UNLIKE others. He's a thoughtful young man and would kill anyone who dares to call Sirius something other than an angel. 

Harry is not angry that Remus did not raise him. Because he knows that grief is a powerful thing and there's also that fact that he knows his location had been hidden. Also discrimination in the wizarding world, he gets it. 

Fred and George have a secret lab like the evil geniuses that they are. aslytherpuff had this idea and it's been stuck in my head ever since. 

Harry is good at sculpting. I read Dripping Fingers and now I can't get the idea of Harry not liking art. Okay, so I might have cried myself to sleep at the image of Harry Potter creating a beautiful stag, dog, and wolf that change back to their human counterparts. Sue me.

Protective Weasley Twins. I just think if Harry made friends they would have to be Weasley Twin approved and if someone hurt Harry or insults him well, it was nice knowing you. 

Lily Evans could sing. The idea of Harry being sung to sleep by his mother. It's beautiful. 

Sirius was almost a Slytherin but talked (more like threatened) the hat to put him in Gryffindor. Pretty self-explanatory. Also, Harry and Sirius bonding. 

Euphemia Potter was a Slytherin. Where do you think James got the mischievous side from?


[other stuff]

For your convenience, here is a list of relationships in this story! No, this is not a table of contents, unfortunately. I wanted to add that, but I felt I was wasting too much time, and we haven't even gotten to the author's notes!

It is sort of like the AO3 additional tags list. I just felt that it made it much easier to know what you're getting yourself into. 

Let me know if it helps!

Fandom: Harry Potter; (I thought this was a stupid thing to add, but my friend told me that there had been certain instances when people, and sometimes herself, didn't know the fandom of the story they were reading until much later. So better safe than sorry.)

Relationships: The relationships are the following 

→Harry Potter x Fred Weasley x George Weasley: NO INCEST! I just thought it would be fun to write a Harry/Twins Paring. You'll understand in the Author's note. 

→Neville Longbottom x Original Male Character (OMC): Pretty self-explanatory. 

→Hermione Granger x Ron Weasley: Romione Fans, where you at? Don't worry though people, I'm a multi-shipper, so chances are your ship will probably come in the next fic. 

→Sirius Black x Remus Lupin: Wolfstar!

→Seamus Finnigan x Dean Thomas: Alright, let's hear it for Deamus! Dean is the best boy in this, right after Neville. 

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