04 | House of Dandelions

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❝My heart is like the moon, surrounded by many stars, and yet, still alone.❞

 - Unknown.


The first thing that strikes Harry when he walks out of the fireplace with George, is the smell of freshly baked cookies which makes his mouth water.

Whilst the Dursley house had never been a place where you'd expect any dramatic event to be held, it did however house three theatrical people. (Harry had lost count of the number of times a simple paper cut on Dudley's finger had been magnified to explosions and earthquakes that shook the very foundations of the earth.) But, besides that, it made you feel as though a slow, creeping death had overtaken the house, spreading like a virus that couldn't be stopped.

The Weasley's house, on the other hand, was the complete opposite.

'The Burrow,' as the house had been dubbed was a jumble of odd buildings, turrets, and chimneys, each one looking as if it had been added on over several centuries. Adding on to the fact, it looked like it might collapse at any moment. There were no straight lines anywhere; the closest thing to a right angle was the chimney, which was curved.

Every space of the Burrow was the personification of the word cozy.

The living room is decorated with soft, plush couches and a fluffy rug that Harry sinks into. The walls are painted a warm beige color, and there are bookshelves filled with books, trinkets, and family photos on every wall.

The fireplace crackles merrily in the corner, casting a cozy glow over the room. A soft blanket is draped over the arm of the couch as if waiting for him to snuggle up under it. The coffee table is stacked with board games, puzzles, and a post-it note that says 'I QUIT!' in neat handwriting.

The kitchen was a place of warmth and comfort as well, with the scent of spices and fresh herbs filling the air. The countertops were made of warm, inviting wood, and the cabinets were painted a soft shade of yellow.

There's a constant buzz of activity in the house, with people bustling about and chattering away. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement and energy of the place, whether you're helping Mrs. Weasley prepare dinner or listening to Fred and George's latest pranks.

The Burrow was a place of chaos and warmth, with laundry hanging on every bit of open space, chickens running free in the yard, and a garden overgrown with every kind of vegetable and fruit imaginable. It was the most wonderful place Harry had ever been, a place where he felt loved and welcomed, a home away from Hogwarts.

I̶t̶'s̶ t̶h̶e̶ k̶i̶n̶d̶ o̶f̶ h̶o̶m̶e̶ H̶a̶r̶r̶y̶ w̶a̶n̶t̶s̶ w̶i̶t̶h̶ S̶i̶r̶i̶u̶s̶.

As if echoing his thoughts, George smiles at him; it's a soft smile with his lips curling up just slightly, but not too much, and his eyes seemed to sparkle with quiet happiness. It's the smile a mother would give her child as she tucks them into bed at night (a smile Harry has never felt), or the smile shared between old friends who haven't seen each other in years.

It's a smile that Harry hasn't received in so long, so he soaks it up, feeling the warmth of it fill up his very being, reminding him that despite being thrown into this fast-paced, hectic world, there is still room for tenderness and warmth.

"Come on," George says, voice as soft as his smile. "Let's go get your things settled."


Ron's bedroom reflected the chaotic nature of the Weasley family. His bedroom was cozy and cluttered with personal belongings.

The walls were covered in chipping orange paint, with posters of the Chudley Cannons Quidditch team plastered here and there. The bed is pushed against one wall, covered in a mismatched patchwork quilt that looks like it had been passed down through generations, and was piled high with an assortment of blankets and pillows. On the bedside table, there was a lamp with a crooked shade and a stack of dog-eared books, old candy wrappers, a Wizard's chess set with several pieces missing, along with several empty potion bottles that Ron had failed to clear out.

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