Chapter 6

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(Francesca's clothes in media)

~~~~ Last Time On '30 Days To Find Love' ~~~~

Why aren't you trying to make something of yourself? "

"What do you mean? "

"You have more creativity in your pinky than most people do in their whole bodies. You would be great at anything if you just picked something and stuck with it. "

"Well, I've been practicing drawing little flowers in the foam of lattes I make... "

"Come on! I'm being serious. I think you're just afraid of failure. "

I thought a little bit. "I DID always want to design clothes... "

He gasped. "That's it. That's perfect to you! "He exclaimed. Just then, I got a message from my sister, Onna. "Come on, let's go celebrate your new career path with a dance. " He said while grinning.

"You go ahead, I just got a text from my sister, Onna. She needs me to listen to her complaining about her husband, David, and then ignore my advice. " I explained as he chuckled and left.

' David packed his bags and left. I dunno what to do. I need you. '


Francesca POV
----/ 26 Days 'Till Amor Aeturnus \----

I'm currently in a train, waiting to get to 'White Plains', where my sister lives.

I thought Onna and David were were perfect for each other. They were sooo happy when they got married.

But, eh!

That's life.

You fall in love, get engaged, get married, have kids, then get divorced!

Though... Onna does't have any kids...


I just confused myself!

"Now approaching 'White Plains'. " The conductor's voice echoed in the train. I stood up, grabbed my purse and waited for the train to stop.

Once it did, I hopped out of it and went to Onna's place.

If Onna and David can't hold it together, how am I supposed to?

Once I reached Onna's place, I ringed the bell.

"IT'S OPEN! " I heard my other sister, Alexia shout from inside.

I walked in and saw Onna sitting on the couch. I went in her direction. "He sis. " I said kissing he cheek and sitting next to her.

"Thanks for coming, Fran. "

"A sister in need is a sister indeed. " I said smiling.

"Get over you lame jokes! " She complained as I laughed while shaking my head.

"No can do. "

"Hey Fran. " Alexia said sitting next to me.

"Hey! " I exclaimed side-hugging her.

"Don't hug me, you know I hate it! " She said backing away.

"Okay, okay. No need to be mean about it. "

Onna groaned. "What am I gonna do now? I feel like everything I took for granted just vanished! " She exclaimed.

"You didn't see this coming at all? I mean... " Alexia trailed. "You two fight 24/7. "

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