Chap. 6

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SM owns characters I own plot line. A little tid bit about me; I hate the number six.

Chapter Six

Bella's POV

The house I knew so well came into view and if I were still human I wouldn't have been able to breathe. Probably would be having a panic attack. Could that still happen?

Felt like it.

I stopped before crossing the raging river, seriously thinking about jumping in and letting the current take me away from this place. It held so many memories that I was trying hard not to think about right now but it was difficult with all the scents of them.

When I first agreed to see his family again, Edward rushed at me, intending to sweep me into his arms. As if all this time hadn't passed. As if he hadn't broken us apart in the first place.

I wouldn't be falling at my knees for him to take me back and forget everything. I intended for him to suffer. And who says I'm even coming back?

The only reason I came back to the states was to see if the stupid rumors were true! And they're obviously not. But who started the rumors and why?

"Bella?" He grabbed my hand gently. I ripped it from his hold, seeing the pain on his face. Good. He deserved to feel that a thousand fold for how he made me feel.

He cleared his throat. "Are you coming? You don't have to but I think we should come clean."


Oh, hell no.

"Don't you mean you?" I struggled not to yell at him. "I didn't do anything! Your the one who lied. Your the one who ruined everything."

Before he could respond I jumped the river and started toward the house I hadn't seen in forever. It was somewhat surprising that they were still in this area. Some humans might start to notice the no aging thing.

Stop caring, I told myself fiercely. Their not your family anymore. Moments later he was by my side but not trying to touch me again, thank goodness.

A pixie suddenly appeared in the doorway. She stood motionless, as if she couldn't quiet understand what she was seeing. I was having the same problem.

My old sister in law. Alice.

She had been my friend and my sister, but like her brother, she left me. They all left me to fend for myself. As if I were a dog that wasn't cute anymore.

Stop. Caring!

Why was this so difficult? Why couldn't I just demand that the truth be let out, figure out the rumors, and go on my merry way? The past was trying to suck me back in even if I were in the present moment.

My voice was distant even though I was fighting the urge to hug Alice. "Hello Alice, how are you?"

Her face tightened into grief. That was her problem not mine.

"I've been better." Her reply was breathy, barely even words. Jasper appeared behind her, putting a hand to her shoulder for comfort or strength, I didn't know which. Perhaps both.

Without touching either of them I slid past and into the kitchen. It was the same.

As if I expected anything different? Maybe it all to be in ruins?

Carlisle suddenly appeared in the doorway leading into the living room. We stared at one another, trying to gauge our reactions. A sudden realization occurred to me, my ex father in law hadn't been in on Edwards plan to get rid of me. Some how this made me feel better and less worried. I had always liked Carlisle, found fatherly companionship with him.

"Carlisle." I nodded my head, noting that my voice was slightly warmer toward him than his daughter.

"Bella. We've missed you." I wasn't sure how I felt about his words but decided to think about it later. Right now I just wanted to have everything laid out on the table and figure this shit out!

"Is everyone here? I would like to discuss a few things."


I know it's been awhile since I've updated but here you go. I don't know when I'll update again. I don't really care if anyone comments anymore, it's useless when I ask.

The Writer.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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