Chapter 1- Beginnings

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Not all men are created equal, that is a saying that goes in a world where 80% of the Earth's population developed bizarre powers known as Quirks.

This was the case for a young man by the name of Koki Iwamoto. Like most children when he was four years old, he awoke his Quirk. One day while he was playing outside with his toy plane when he accidentally wandered into a busy street when suddenly he disappeared in a yellow flash. He reappeared in his yard much to his confusion.

He didn't think much of the incident but when his parents arrived home later he told them what happened much to their concern. They decided to take Koki to a Quirk Doctor the next day.

There the doctor, who was a nice young woman, had asked Koki about his teleportation and had him do it again. He tried to teleport but instead of teleporting plants erupt from the ground around him much to everyone's confusion. Later tests would see Koki creating elements such as fire, water, earth, wind, earth and lightning, manifesting puppets, manipulating sand and his blue irises change into a red colour with three tomoes appearing around each of his pupils. Needless to say Koki's parents and doctor were baffled by his anomalous abilities.

Later that night Koki dreamt of a giant tree, its roots stretching out through the earth and a crimson fruit hanging from its branches. He also dreamed of men and women who looked like ninja with fantastical powers.

They manipulated the elements, had superhuman physical abilities, and created illusions that controlled the five senses. The powers he saw could rival even the strongest of Quirks.

He would tell his parents about it the next day and his parents returned to the Doctor's office and informed the Doctor who decided to label Koki's Quirk as abnormal quirk and gave it the name Complete Arsenal.

One day Koki was playing in a park when he heard another kid shout from nearby.

"Kacchan! I won't let you hurt him! You're not being very nice!"

Koki turned to see a boy his age with fluffy viridian green hair, freckles dotting chubby cheeks and emerald green eyes. He was defending another kid from three other boys, one of them having ash blonde hair that was spiked.

"Move out the way, Deku or you'll be next!" The blonde kid threatened, explosions crackling off his hands.

Yeah, Deku! Bakugou is more powerful than a Quirkless loser like you will ever be!" A kid who looked like he could stretch his fingers jeered.

"Hey, why don't you leave him alone!" Koki shouted at the trio.

"HA?! Who said that?! You wanna die?!" The boy known as Bakugou sneered before seeing Koki standing there, his arms folded and his eyes narrowed in a glare.

"That would be me, you big bully!"

Bakugou growled. "Who the hell do you think you are, you bastard?!"

"Mom says that's a bad word. I should tell your Mom so that she can put a bar of soap in your mouth!" Koki sneered, mostly saying that to rile the other boy up, which succeeded.

"Screw you! I'll say whatever I want!" Bakugou yelled.

Bakugou rushed at Koki whose eyes changed from blue to red. Bakugou released an explosion at Koki covering the latter in smoke. Bakugou grinned thinking he got Koki only to become shocked when he saw a blue energy construct resembling the ribs of a skeleton covering Koki who was unhurt.

"What the hell!" Bakugou shouted.

"Not so tough are you?" Koki smirked.

He then manipulated the sand around them and dumped it on Bakugou.

The other two bully boys looked in shock at Koki.

"Is that his Quirk?" the fat one said.

"It's powerful..." Long Fingers said.

Koki ignored them and approached the green-haired boy, who had sent off the kid he had been protecting to safety.

"You okay? I'm Koki Iwamoto." Koki introduced himself. "What's your name?"

"Um...I-Izuku Midoriya..." The other boy stuttered, which made Koki smile. "T-Thanks for stopping, Kaachan. Ever since he got his Quirk, h-he's been unbearable, lately."

"Well, don't worry, I'll be sure to tell his parents. After all, my mom always says that when other kids are doing bad things, you need to tell their family!" Koki beamed.

Izuku smiled and nodded. "That's what my Mom says too! I also know Kaachan's Mom, she's my godmother, so I can tell her with you."

Izuku managed to find Bakugou's mother, Mitsuki, and told her what happened. Mitsuki dragged the screaming Bakugou away, promising to make sure he was given a proper punishment for his misbehavior. Koki and Izuku decided to play at Izuku's house, after introducing Koki to his mom, Inko Midoriya they went to Izuku's room. Koki was amazed at all the Pro Hero merchandise Izuku had and he even explained his dreams to him and how he discovered his Quirk.

"This is so cool! If your dreams prophesied all these powers, you'll be even stronger than All-Might!" Izuku said in excitement as Koki smiled.

"Well, it's a good thing I wrote down most of the stuff my quirk can do." Koki said before saying something that had been on his mind. "Hey, Izuku, why was Bakugou bullying you?"

Izuku stopped talking for a full minute before responding.

"I'm Quirkless. He gets praised for his Quirk while I get mistreated...Please don't tell anyone, I don't like to talk about it."

Koki didn't understand what it was like to be Quirkless, so he just gave Izuku a hug to help him feel better.

"If he treats you like that just because you don't have a Quirk, then he doesn't deserve to be your friend," Koki said. "So from this day forward, I'll be your new friend!"

All the while that Koki was talking, Izuku had been crying tears of joy on his new friend's shoulder.

He nodded when asked if he could call Koki by his first name, happy that someone besides his parents treated him with such kindness. From that day forward Koki and Izuku would become inseparable best friends. Little did both know what laid in store for them in the future.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2022 ⏰

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