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You wandered around White Space, again.


It gets quite boring here sometimes; atleast you have your best friend Omori! Suddenly you decide to stop walking around and sit down next to Mewo, petting her, while Omori sat across from drawing something on his sketchbook. You didn't really understand what he drew, but it still looked cool.
"Hey... Y-Y/N?..." He suddenly asks, looking over at you, quite red.
"Yes Omori?" You question, looking over at him smiling. He turns his sketchbook around, the page on which he was scribbling on facing you.
“I really really really like you, will you go out with me? ♡”, the paper read. He had also drawn two stickmen holding hands. I don't know man, you kind of felt something towards him but what if you didn't and just convinced yourself to? ...

Screw it, what could go wrong, anyway?

"Yes, yes, yes! A hundred million times yes!!" You said, jumping on top of him, making him yelp a bit.
"I-I love you Y/N... but you're crushing me right now... heheh...." He said, his face redder than a tomato. He's so cute he's so cute he's so cute he's so cute oh my goodness AHH.
(im so lonely bsfr............ wrote this sobbing so hard im gonna oyasumi myself)

Headspace/Dream Kel

You were at one of Mari's picnics, just chilling, enjoying life as it was.

"Hey, Y/N?" Hero says, giggling while Kel playfully elbowed his arm. You tilt your head in response.
"My little brother here likes you, can you please give him a chance so he can shut up about you?" He said, laughing so hard he was starting to sob. Everyone at the picnic (except omori, but yk him) went like “Ooohh” and it was pretty funny to be honest.

"Oh my... Well... If he does really like me then I don't see why not give him chance..." You said, smirking at the poor boy who was a blushing mess.
"Awww, I always knew you two would be sweethearts!" (ohohohoho) Aubrey said, teasing Kel.
"A-Ah... Sh-Shut up Aubrey..." Kel said, looking at the floor in embarrassement (boy do i love writing akward situations).

Headspace/Dream Aubrey

Everyone went on an adventure, except you and Aubrey, because she was taking a nap and you didn't want her to wake up alone.

Maybe I should...?
No, that's a bad idea.
But what if she likes me back???
Maybe I should ask her out.

"Pssst... Sleepy headdd..." I whisper, gently tapping her shoulder. She slowly opens her eyes and glaces at me, slightly smiling.
"Yes Y/N?" She asks, now a bit more awake.
"Look... it's f-fine if you don't feel the same; I fully understand! Heheh... but I uhh wanted to ask if maybe you I don't know... wanted to go on a walk and maybe get sno-cones?" I ask, trembling nervously.
"Like a date?" She says, smiling. I nod in response.
"Oh, I'd love to, Y/N! I feel the same about you!" She says, giving me a long-lasting, bone-crushing hug.
(god. im. so. fucking. lonely. bffr.)

Headspace/Dream Hero

"Y/N? Y/NN, wake upp!!"  You heard someone yell from above you. You slightly open your eyes to see Hero, who looked away as soon as you saw him.
"Ah- Uhhm can we go somewhere private? Please?..." He asked quietly.
"Sure!" You say.

You get up and follow Hero to an empty place. It was really pretty, it was a hidden little spot near a lake, who was covered in trees and flowers.
"So.. what did you wanna tell me?" You ask, sitting near the water. He sat down next to you, sighing.

"Look... I have.. feelings for you. And I'd very much.. appreciate if you gave me a chance!" He confessed.
"Well that's funny because... I have feelings for you too." You chuckle.
"R-Really?" He asks, visibly embarrassed.
"Yes. You absolute idiot! Wasn't it obvious?" You ask, giggling.

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