Who's there?

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   When i was around 7 years old,my brother and i were watching tv in the living room on the same couch.  My mom walks in from work greeting us. She goes in to her room to rest a bit.

     She comes out and faces the other couch that faces the otherside of the wall. Our couches were layed out in an L shape,we assumed she was going to sit down. She then began to speak to the couch.  From what i recall she was saying, "Mijo,i need you to do blank and blank. Why are you laughing at me?" My brother who was on the couch with me replys,"mom?" She faces my brother and i then the couch and she screams.

    Ive never seen my mother so pale. She goes to us and hugs us. "Close your eyes! Close your eyes! Dont look!" She told us so we did.
   Years later i dont exactly know what happened.  My brother told me that she told him that she saw him on that couch.  That he was laughing at her and smiling creepily. There was no one else with us in the apartment. It was a small apartment. So when i was told this i was scared.  What did my mom see? Who? Why didnt we see?

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