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My eyes open when i feel myself moving. As if in a car. How can I be in a car? I blink to try and make my vision  clear up. Im definitely in the backseat of a car.

When I fully register my surroundings, I feel my hands are bound making me look down at them in panic. What.

I whimper making one of the two guys in the front seats turn around.

"Ah cazzo, speravo che sarebbe rimasta priva di sensi finché non l'abbiamo portata al Don"  He speaks, turning back around.
(Ah fuck i was hoping she'd stay unconscious till we got her to the Don)

The other one whos driving, grunts.

"Non puoi dargliene un altro?" he driver says in a questioning tone.
(Cant you just give her another?)

"No, non sono trascorse 12 ore dall'ultima in cui è potuta morire"  The passenger seat guy responds.
(No it hasn't been 12 hours since the last one she could die.)

"per me va bene" he says, tone sarcastic making the other huy chuckle.
(sounds good to me)

"Where the hell are you taking me? What did I even do what could you possibly want from me?" I screech.

They don't even look bothered. Shit. I look out the window.

"Wait where are we? This isnt Chicago" I let out in a state of panic.

"This is Italia, Venezia" One of them says, Italian accent thick.

"VENICE?! WE'RE IN ITALY?!" I screech making them groan again.

"Stop, no screaming" The driver says. His english seems well.

"But where are you even taking me?! I haven't done anything i dont know you people!" My voice is high and my throat hurts.

I haven't eaten or had water in god knows how long and I feel faint.

"Shut the fuck up before I stuff your mouth with my sock, cagna" he spits making me shut up.


I feel a chill run up my spine as I see us approaching huge, black iron gates. This seriously looks like something out of the godfather.

The car speeds to what looks like the most gorgeous house, nay absolute castle I have ever seen.

Its old italian infrastructure and rustic Roman civilization looks made me completely forget my dilemma here. But im rudely shaken to reality when im pulled out of the car roughly and basically carried in.

"WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME!" I scream but this time they're not so tolerant. I feel a harsh tug at my hair, my roots feeling like they'd come out.

We soon reach large mahogany doors, they look giant even compared to the tall ceilings of the house.

The knock echos before a deep, masculine voice sounds. Oh shit.


They're here.

I call for my men to enter, preparing to see the malicious face of the slippery evil.

They bring her in, dropping her small, sobbing, shaking form infront of my desk.

"Thats it? This is whats had the Don on his toes?" I hear Leo's snarky voice comment sarcastically.

Thats odd. She's nothing like what I'd imagined. Maybe her face is more evil. She's looking down, soft sobs leaving her.

I walk closer and motion for one of the men to lift her face and he pulls her hair making her yelp loudly.

But as soon as her big Storm gray eyes meet mine, my eyebrows furrow. What the fuck.

Her eyes are big, rimmed red with tears pouring out of them, but more importantly, her eyes are innocent. The kind of innocence you dont see around anymore.

She looks young, maybe 18, and her expression is terrified. She does not look like someone who could kill.

I know what killing does to you. The spark in your eyes dies with every life you take, the innocent streak is lost. Nothing pure about the eyes of the one who's killed.

But her eyes are pure, filled with curious innocence and fear.

I stand back up, looking at her curiously, her sobs more audible now that im out of my reverie.

"Boys are you sure this is her? She doesn't look like an assassin" My brother, Marcello, speaks. I just silently observe the girl.

She's so damn small. I can tell she has nice curves under those loose clothes.

I watch her eyes widen and her plump, red lip wobbles.

"I- Im not an assassin! I didn't hurt anyone I promise" she cries, her voice soft, sad. It makes me feel weird. I look away quickly.

"taci puttana" Hank, one of my men who captured her spits.
(shutup slut)

I see her flinch at his harsh tone.

"Dont call her that" I roar, surprising myself actually.

"Fuck- Hunter, we've got good news and bad news" Antonio, my youngest brother speaks from the corner of my office.

I look away from the small girl at him  expectantly.

"We have the Assassins profile" he pauses making me impatiently look at him.

"Thats not her".

L'ERRORE DELLA MAFIA Where stories live. Discover now