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"Who does he think he is!" I exclaim into my empty apartment, throwing my purse at the couch. Running my hand through my hair frustratedly, I groan.

He shouldn't affect me like this anymore. Its been months, I shouldn't care anymore.

But I do. And it sucks.

My phone rings, muffled inside my purse making me break out of my thoughts. I see its an unknown id and answer.

"Arabella Carter" I say.

"Ok miss professional, its just Jayden" He says making me chuckle.

"Oh hi Jay, whats up"

"Well the boys are all here and we were wondering if you wanted to come out clubbing with us? You're gonna be the only girl just a heads up, and we'll pick you up" He says.

I contemplate for a second.

He's gonna be there.

I know I shouldn't but all the things he's ever said about me still stick with me. I want to show him that I'm not some

"Uh yea sure Jay, what time?"


"Arabella said yes!" Jayden says walking into the room. My head shoots up at the mention of her name.

"Did you ask her out?" Marcello asks, glancing at me with a half smirk. My jaw clenches and breathe out, not wanting to snap anyones neck. My gaze burns on Jayden.

"No I want to stay alive" He rolls his eyes, smirking at me. "I asked if she wanted to come clubbing" He informs, sitting down on the couch.

"She's not 21" I say, my voice thick.

"Im sure we can get her in Hunt" Marcello rolls his eyes.


"So Hunt, you coming?" Leo asks me.



Im already at the club with Marcello and Vince, the other 4 are god knows where.

"Where are they?" Vince asks. I shrug gulping my whiskey.

"They're picking up Arabella, ill call Hayden" my heart twists making me angry. Fucking hate having a reaction to her fucking name.

A second later, I see the boys walk up the stairs with a girl right behind them. She's walking up the stairs seductively wearing a short dress.

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I feel myself fo rigid when I figure out who it is

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I feel myself fo rigid when I figure out who it is.

I stand up quickly, yanking her arm to drag her back downstairs.

"Ow- hey let go! Hunter!" She screams squirming to get out of my hold. "I said let me-" I hold her up against a wall in a secluded hallway making her gasp.

"What the fuck are you wearing" I spit, bending my neck. She looks at me with eyes filled with hatred. Fuck.

"None of your business asshole, let go" She grunts but I push her back against it.

"Do not provoke me Arabella, you've pissed me off enough to last a lifetime already" I seethe holding down her arm that comes up to probably hit me.

"Stop acting like you own me, I dont have to listen to you, I can do whatever I want" My chest is falling up and down, rage building. "What are you getting angry Hunter? Do you want to choke me again?" She asks. My stance falters making her immediately pull away from me.

"Do not do that again Mr. De'Luca, or I swear to god I'm going to sue for assault" She says, voice laced with venom. "You haven't changed at all. I don't know why I expected anything but pain from seeing you again" She sniffs, walking away.

"Cazzo!" I punch the wall making the fake brick crack from the impact.


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