"Just sit and talk to him"

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Jonathan and I were sat in the locker room, I was sat in his stall and he was sat just too the side of me. I had that annoying feeling that I was starting to like Jonathan in more than a sëxual way. It sucked, I didn't want a relationship, especially with the guy I've been having constant sëx with for the last few days. I didn't know what to do, I couldn't ask any of the guys because they thought that we were together, I couldn't ask Kris because of our little situation, I couldn't ask my parents and I certainly couldn't ask Lola because she would blab. I should just call this whole thing off, tell everyone the truth that we are friends with benefits, possibly end that relationship too. I just hated everything right now. I also hated this silence, like, what the fück was up with that?

"Jonathan." I randomly said making him look at me. "Um, am I staying in my own room at the hotel?" I knew I was.

"Yeah, the guys booked it. They said that we might have needed some time apart for God knows what reason." He clarified. Of course, they wanted us to take a chill pill on the whole sëx stuff. "But, they all have a curfew set by coach Q, I have a room to myself and you now have a key card to that room." He announced as he handed me the card.

"They will hear us!"

"No they won't. My room is quite far down, they'll probably think that it's some random person and they will definitely think that if you are back in your room the next morning." He replied with a smirk.

"There is a reason that I love your brain." He laughed and smirked at me. I knew what he was going to say. "Sorry Jon but that's the only thing I love about you." He playfully rolled his eyes and a few of the guys walked in. They said that they needed to get ready so I excused myself from the room. I looked around the rink and saw my brother walking over to me. I swear he was stalking me. He stood in front of me and I looked down at my phone and just stared at my lock screen that was a picture of Kaner and I hugging with the biggest grin on our faces.

"Kayla." He just said. I still refused to look up from my phone. "For god sake Kay. Why won't you answer me?"

"You haven't made the effort to speak to me."

"You moved away, you constantly told me that you hated me. Do you know how I felt from that? I have spent my life being hated by my sister!" He raised his voice. I didn't even want to look at his face. Some of the Pens players walked over to us and I groaned. It was all like they were ganging up on me.

"Look, I'm going to leave. You know my feelings towards you." I put my phone in my pocket and looked up at the pain in Kris' eyes.

"Let me guess, you're going back to your Blackhawks? Going back to your fück buddy?" He shouted as I walked off.

"Excuse me? Don't you dare talk about Jonathan like that! We are in a relationship and have been for a while now. Obviously you wouldn't know that. You want to know why I told you I hated you? Because I do Kris! I hate you. I hate you so much." I shouted back as I decided to actually walk off. I had tears streaming down my face and the first person I bumped into was Patrick. He took one look at me, dropped his gloves and stick before pulling me into a giant hug.

"Kay, what happened?" He asked making me cry louder into his shoulder.

"Kayla?" I heard Jonathan ask. Patrick continued to hug me until he gently turned me around and passed me to Jonathan. I cried into Jonathan and he kissed my head. "Was it Kris?" He asked making me nod. "Please Kayla, just sit and talk to him."

"I'm not speaking to him. I can't." I replied as I looked at him. He leant in and kissed me before taking his one glove off and wiped my eyes.

"I'll be there for you."

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