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Okay so you can skip this if you really dont wanna read this lol

-this isnt y/n x a hat in time chars, so if ur here for that too bad 😃
-no scrapped characters will be included (moonjumper, timmy, etc.)
-it will be similar to the actual game, but some changes. For example, since hat kid already starred in conductor and dj grooves movies, the movies are different and the ending perhaps. And snatcher would have different contracts except maybe the delivery one.
-you will be 14 years old in this story because yes.
-takes place after the main story
-you will be referred as they/them, yes you can be like any gender in this. You can even imagine what you look like!

[New updates!]
-instead of it taking place after every dlc, it's only after the main story. Yes, hat kid has not done arctic cruise and nyakuza yet, nor has she completed every death wish. I made this change so we could have more story :)
-downgraded hat and bow's age from nine to eight.
-okay their aged back to nine lol

I think that's it, ill update this if theres more. Other than that, enjoy!

A Helping Hand (Y/N in a hat in time)Where stories live. Discover now