Six: Attempted 'Myerder'

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You suddenly shot up. You didn't have a weird dream or anything... or a nightmare even. To you, it was an urge to do something. You didn't know what though. You looked around, but hat kid was nowhere to be seen. Nowhere.

'Must be doing a time rift or something...'

You get yourself up, and exit the bedroom. You climb up the ladder, and open the kitchen doors. You never have really been in here, and it looked messy and... kind of nice at the same time. You opened the fridge. Your eyes scanned the area, but to your disappointment, there were no gears for breakfast. Though there was other food you had NEVER seen before. It looked really... gross? Weird? Alien-like? Oh wait, you kind of are an alien. But are you though? You didn't really care to check if you were human, alien, or something else. But surely you weren't fully human.. you ate GEARS for breakfast!

After staring at the fridge for a good while, you remember you packed food in your little backpack. You ran back to the bedroom, and opened the bag up. You rummaged through all of the stuff you packed, finally finding some gears to eat. They were really tiny, but there were enough to fill you up a little. You rip open the pack, and began devouring them like a hungry animal.

Suddenly, you feel nothing inside the pack as you shoved your hand inside. You look down, and there was no more inside.

'Could have sworn there was more than that...'

You look around, no crumbs or anything.

'She didn't eat them, did she?'

You look up at the ceiling in thought. As you were thinking, that sudden urge appears again. You stuff the empty pack into your satchel, and started packing some of your stuff, transporting it from your backpack to your satchel. You brought your oversized spoon, and a few medical supplies just in case. You didn't know where you were planning to go, but you wanted to do it either way.

You exit the bedroom, and make your way to the engine room. You climb up the stairs, and looked through the telescope. You saw something different, however. Now it allowed you to go to different places? You felt some buttons underneath. You clicked one of them, and you suddenly feel yourself getting lifted up. That meant you were teleporting.

(Thought it would be fun to make a little custom thing :) though don't worry, you're not done with them after this

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(Thought it would be fun to make a little custom thing :) though don't worry, you're not done with them after this... even tho i want to reach subcon rn)

You fall down onto the hard wood, in the face. You get yourself up... and where were you? You had NO idea. Everything around you was pitch black, except for the hole in the roof, where the moonlight shined slightly. The other thing you could see was some sort of... spark? You walked toward it, and reached for it. You felt some sort of lever, so you pulled it, lighting the area. You back away, only to fall back onto something. You get yourself off, and saw a crate. It had the dead bird studio logo on it.

'What the...?'

You saw more crates around, some slightly open, and some closed shut. Some are even missing their lids. You scan each and every one, only to find that nothing was in them. It was almost like it was only for decoration.

A Helping Hand (Y/N in a hat in time)Where stories live. Discover now