Chapter 30: Grief and news

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Yato was right now sitting against a tree as he had flip to the end of the book closing it "Man that was a great ending don't you guy's think so....oh you guys are knocked out" the uchiha had said as he was surrounded by a group knocked out rouge ninja.

As these rouge ninja had been sent from the casino that Yato, Tsunade, and Shizune had went to a month ago.

"We....only c-came to collect owed" the rouge ninja said which made Yato simply sighed understanding why these ninja are here.

"Well I geuss your boss hadn't tell you before you left but I had paid off my girlfreinds debt of thirty-million Ryō" Yato said which the men on the ground then groan.

" joking?" the man asked as they had litearly gotten their butt's handed to them for zero reason.

"Well I guess see you guy's around" Yato said as he had then left walking back into town that they were currently staying in a hotel he had went out earlier to deal with all of rouge ninja sent after earlier and to go after the three.

'Man I really should try out some new food while I'm down here in this town before we leave' Yato had thought to himself as he was walking down a hallway towards his and Tsunade room.

As he had arrived he had saw Tsunade still asleep in bed which it wasn't really surprising to Yato as he did wake up earlier before she did.

Yato had walked over to Tsunade and kissed her on her forehead wanting to wake her up since they were gonna be leaving in the morning.

"Tsunade it's time to wake up" Yato said trying to wake her up which made Tsunade groan out annoyed turning to the side.

"Darling....ten.....more....minute" Tsunade said which made Yato sigh as he had then began kissing his girlfreind on her cheek that began to start to make her wake up as then he had picked her up brydle style and playfully dancing.

"Alright, alright I'm up!" Tsunade laughed as she now was fully up and awake and smiling at how she was awoken and now laughing being awoken to Yato who always manages to find a way to wake her and while still being playful doing it.

"Now that you are up you can go ahead and get ready cause we did promise Shizune that we would go sight seeing so time to go and get changed" Yato said as it was true.

"Wait....when did we promise her that?" Tsunade asked as she didn't remember when the two had promised Shizune that they would go sight seeing.

"Oh...yeah you were really drunk last night...." Yato said as he began remembering what happend the other night.


On the outside of a casino Yato was carrying a clearly drunk Tsunade who was acting childish while on her boyfreinds back.

"Darllliinngg....let me g-get a k-kiss!" Tsunade said as she began kissing Yato on his cheek while he still was carrying her as Shizune on the other hand she was just apolgizing alot to the Uchiha.

"I'm so sorry sir Yato I had tried to stop her from drinking but she managed to get some!" Shizune said as she had cried.

"Oh it's fine Shizune I understand how this could happen you know the first would always say "My grandchild not only inherited my will but also my habits" then he would most likely laugh while scratching the back of his head" Yato said.

"Still I'm sorry sir Yato!" Shizune cried out which made Yato feel bad for the young woman and he had came up with an idea to cheer her up.

"Well how about we go sight seeing and look around nearby" Yato said which had made Shizune smile.

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