Draw Me If You Can

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Ok, so here’s chapter two! Hope you guys like it!

Mayanna’s POV:

I feel like I’m about to pass out. My palms are sweating, my heart is battering against my chest, and my entire body is shaking with nerves as I make my way through the crowded hallway. In less than 5 minutes, I’d enter the art classroom, and sit in my seat. My seat…which is now beside one of the most- if not the most- popular guy’s in the school, whom I’ve happened to have a humongous crush on for the past 4 years.

 I am suddenly jostled back into reality by a group of girls who don’t even look twice at me to apologize. Rolling my eyes, I shift my binder’s on my arms and try to steady my breathing. I turn a corner and the classroom comes into view, at the same time as the warning bell resounds across the quickly emptying hallway.

 The fleeting thought of skipping distracts me momentarily, but I’m quick to dismiss it. There’s no way I’d sacrifice my morals for a guy, no matter how hot he happened to be. No, I was just going to have to suck it up.

I take in a deep breath, and step into the classroom.

Ricardo’s POV:

Kara is going to drive me insane. She’s been sitting in her old seat for the past five minutes, telling me about how her cheer coach refuses to change the colour of their uniforms from holly green to ivy green.

Frankly, I don’t give a shit about what’s coming out of her mouth at the moment. I actually never have. We’ve been dating for almost a year and I’ve yet to find anything we have in common. If it weren’t for the swarm of girls waiting for Kara to bore me and take me for themselves, I’d have broken up with her a long time ago.

Don’t get me wrong, I have an ego. It sure doesn’t hurt my rep to have girls fling themselves at me all the time, but it gets annoying. Sure they’re all hot and popular, but they’re also clingy and fake. Way too eager and shallow. That’s why I’ve put up with Kara for so long; to avoid the hassle. But lately she’s become especially unbearable. She says it’s because our one-year anniversary is coming up and she wants it to be amazing, but I know what she really wants.

 Kara Foss has been after one thing and one thing only for the past six months: my virginity. In the first few months of our relationship, she was perfectly content with our make-out sessions, but after a while she wanted to go further. That’s when she realized that unlike her, I haven’t lost it yet. Ever since then, she’s been doing everything she can to try and get me to give it up. Why? For the simple reason that she wants to have the bragging rights to say “I’m so special, he lost it to me.” Sometimes, I think that I should just screw her and get it over with but I know that I could never do that. It goes against all my morals.

 I’ve vowed to keep myself pure until marriage. As cheesy and unmanly as that sounds, it’s the way I’ve been brought up. Oh sure, she’s tried to blackmail me with my “secret” on several occasions, but I just can’t seem to get it through her head that I wouldn’t care. Anyways, she’s been trying to convince me that it would be the most romantic thing ever if we did it one our anniversary, but I’m not going to give in.

The bell rings suddenly and Ms. Hawthorne was quick to claim the class’ attention, centring her gaze on Kara. “Ms. Foss, I recall moving you from that seat yesterday. Would you care to explain why you’ve made the decision to move back?”

Kara flashes an obviously fake smile and picks herself off the stool. Almost instantly, a new pair of hands set down another set of books and I feel the warmth of standing next to me. Looking up, I’m greeted by a pair of hazel eyes and a shy smile. Mayanna Preston. Here was a girl who didn’t care what other people thought of her, who was real.

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