Chapter One

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" I slit my wrist to escape the pain... you look at me like I am insane." How cliché can the world get? Tumblr you ruin everything.
"You don't escape the pain, it stays with you, always." I think in my head.
I laugh at myself. I just called the world cliché when I cut myself. I humor myself.
I get out of my bed and go to my bathroom to do my daily routine, but then I hear my mom scream my name saying, " GET YOUR SORRY ASS OUT OF BED AND GET TO SCHOOL!"
Love you too mom.
I get out my razor and make maybe three or four slashes two on one arm, one on the other, and then my thigh.
I clean them then go get a long sleeve hoodie and skinny jeans. I wear long sleeves not just to hide my scars but also because I have a tattoo that covers most of my arms and back, and also the hoodies are extremely comfortable in a baggy way.
It is currently 4:30 am. Why so early you may ask? Well you see I have to make breakfast for five, then clean up said breakfast, then I have to make it to the bus stop on time.
I suffer from Middle Child Syndrome so my life is pretty fucked up. I pull my high vans on to cover the small tattoo on my ankle and head down stairs. Why does a seventeen year old have so many tattoos? Because I thought if I showed my parents maybe I could get scolded and get some attention. Ha, like in every freaking case, did they care? Nope, I show them and they said and I quote, "Good for you." And then went back to being the perfect family without me.
I get out eggs and bacon.(A/N I swear if someone starts commenting eggs,bacon,grits, sausages I will pull my hair out! Love you guys) I start cooking, set the table, squeeze orange juice, get the paper (yes they still deliver), then come back make coffee and then I wait like a good little child until they finish.
" Took you long enough." Marta said when I take her plate after she literally just finished eating five seconds ago.
"S-Sorry." I say. yeah I forgot to mention I have a stutter.
So I keep my mouth closed as she looks at me in disgust. But to be honest I would too I mean I am revolting, as Luke- my older brother- put it.
I will feel bad if I find a mate. For one I know he will reject me, heck I would even reject me if I could, and rejection is going to push me over the edge I just know it. But if the so called love of my life going to care anyways when he rejects me? I highly doubt it, I won't be missed so maybe when that time comes I will just go a little deeper.
I keep my head down and go to my biology class. I actually love biology because it is easy and my teacher loves me. He lets me be alone and he doesn't call on me much. Plus he always helps me when I need it. He is werewolf so he knows about me too. He walks over to my table.
"Happy birthday Sapphire." he whispered just loud enough for me to hear. Like oh joy the cursed day when I am now able to find my mate. He places a card on my desk and heads back up front. He sits down and I mouth 'Thank You' to him and he smiles at me.
He begins teaching and I copy down everything he says, hey I have a bad habit of doing that but when I have a one hundred I this class you would do the same.
Fifty minutes pass, then three hundred and forty five more pass and I am out of this hell hole.
I close my locker and suddenly...
Oh My God it can't be, No,no,no,NO!
I Have to pee, like right now! And the bus is about to leave! I make my mind up and dash to the bathroom. I come out and see my bus leaving. Oh well I will just have to walk...
And with that, I begin my walk home. On my birthday. Look at the bright side, at least I didn't find my mate!

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