Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

    After ZERO released his face-to-face videos, 'Galactic Goddess' and 'Mother of Mechanics' are no longer the side words of the government army. Everyone has eyes and can see for themselves.

    Public opinion explodes every day.

    Gradually, some netizens picked up the bad things that the third research institute had done, and the victim was very likely to be Zero, so they were criticized again and again.

    One day, the federal government was surprised to find that it could no longer control the situation, because every day government buildings, religious groups and churches were attacked by various social people, splashing paint, puncturing tires, and hanging banners.

    And those who followed Zero, they also spontaneously gathered into free organizations in cities outside Lamo Island.

    "You are a rebellion, a rebellion!" A certain government army leader hid in the compartment of a land tank and shouted outside with a microphone.

    The next second, a homemade dirt/mine was smashed over and exploded in the tank shell. People outside rushed up, climbed onto the roof of the tank with their bare hands, and began to dismantle it.

    "These selfish guys don't deserve to show off their power at all."

    "Drag this coward out of the tank!"

    There are three types of people who want to join terrorist organizations: one is those who want to upgrade, and the other is right The government is dissatisfied with the thorns, and the third is people who really look forward to zero, most of whom are mercenaries.

    Hongyan City was in chaos.

    Zero was lying on the window holding the binoculars, a riot broke out on the pier on the other side of the sea, billowing smoke billowed into the sky.

    "What are they... doing?"

    Dong already stood beside her with a half-smiling smile: "Redistribution of rights."

    Among them, the businessman's sense of smell is always particularly keen.

    Herman's communication rang, and the call was from an executive officer of a top chaebol family. The other party had a close relationship with the Baker Group, but after the incident, he completely forgot the existence of this partner and wanted to clear the relationship.

    The phone call now made is very meaningful.

    Herman picked up the communication and listened to the other party's intentions.

    Very simple, the slick chaebol families raised the white flag as soon as they heard the wind, and they discovered the huge business opportunities in the mother of machines. Not to mention the special abilities that she may have, the huge social identity alone is enough to invest thousands of dollars.

    There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

    "... Glad to be in agreement with you. We'd like to meet her too, if we can."

    "It's been a while, not now."

    "Wait, Mr. Baker, by the way, what type of men does the Galactic Goddess like. Huh?"

    Herman's mouth twitched, and he cut off the communication without hesitation.

    Nonsense, if I knew I would tell you? !

    In just half a month, more and more chaebol families secretly defected, and they supported the mercenary guild with weapons, equipment, and food.

    In this chaotic situation, every turn of events is the heart of the government.

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