Exonorated By the Enemy

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Louis' POV
I checked my watch to see that I was already late for school. Mom coughed, slightly sitting up in the process. She looked okay but she had been coughing all morning. It looked like she had the onset of a fever. The doctor was running late and still needed to get to school. I could not leave her here until the doctor came.
"Mi Amor," Mom said, reaching out a hand to stroke my hair. "I will be okay."
I did not answer and just eyed the door anxiously. The past few days had been hell. Mum and father had been screaming at each other none stop and it was taking a toll on her. The bastard was already out and about, not giving a fuck about the wife he had put in this condition.
Mum's blue eyes searched mine, trying as always to figure out what was going on in my head. "Mum rest."
"I will," She managed to say with a weak smile. "You can go, he will be here so..."
Our butler, Hector knocked on the open door to get our attention. He looked worriedly at mum. There was so much warmth in his eyes, a stark contrast to how father had been looking at mom these days. "Still no sign of him." He informed.
"What the hell is taking him so fucking long?" I hissed under my breath as I checked my watch again.
"I am going to be fine, Hector will take care of me and the rest of the help in the house is not going anywhere," She tried convincing me.
I looked up at Hector considering what she had just said when someone announced. "I am here,"
At the doorway was the doctor with his suitcase. I opened my mouth to question the doctor but I felt a quivering hand on my shoulder try and deter me. "He is here, so you can go now," Mum whispered, managing a stiff smile.
That was my cue to leave, I thought as I picked up my bag and headed for the exit.
Back at school...
Zoe's POV
"Andrew?" I stammered, my heart thumping loudly in my chest. I looked then at Sandra but I could quite read her thoughts as she just stared blankly ahead. I was getting no answers or an explanation from her. "Keep my brother out of this," I pleaded with Jennie. "Please." My eyes filled with tears.
Jennie only knelt at Andrew's eye level. "Hi, I am Jennie."
Andrew looked confused at me before turning his attention back to Jennie. "Hi..."
"You are so cute but you don't look like your sister, why?"
"I don't know," Andrew answered timidly.
"I know," Jennie revealed
"Really?" That had gotten his attention. He gave me a sideways glance. "You know?"
"Sure, I do," She assured. "That is why you are here. Turn off the lights and roll the clip." Jennie said to no one in particular. The lights went off and a projector I had not noticed before started rolling. The images it produced shone on a white sheet that had been spread.
My stomach dropped as I saw the clip. I had my back against the board as I had on that day with Louis trapping me and doing erotic things to me. But his face was cropped out so that only I would have to endure the shame, not Louis. Everyone continued to watch in silence but I looked away and turned to Andrew who had fixated on the screen. He would never see me the same way again, my eyes welled up with tears. He had seen enough already. He had seen things that I had been able to protect him from but this was way worse. This was his beloved older sister getting hot with some guy. Like he had seen his mother do.
The tears came faster and then I heard Nessa speak. "I heard that he adores you, let's see what he thinks of you after this."
"This is the best part Zoe, you have to look at it," Jennie said to me through gritted teeth as she held my face and forced my eyes to the screen but I shut my eyes. I did not need them though because the moan I had let out was clear and loud. The lights were turned on again.
Andrew stood frozen on the spot. He looked traumatized with his eyes widened and his mouth agape. He was not even looking at me.
"With the overwhelming evidence, what do you have to say for yourself?" Jennie asked mockingly. "It is clear as day what you are now but, surprisingly, there is still more."
I looked at her bewildered before I turned and looked at Sandra. "Why?" I yelled, the pain I felt making me croak. I couldn't recognize my voice. "What did I ever do to hurt you?" She did not look at me, she only looked further away.
The class cackled at the pain that Sandra's betrayal had caused me. They had done this on purpose knowing that once I trusted her with my darkest secrets her betrayal would do more than just sting.
"So your dad likes doing teenage girls," Nessa chirped in. "Even his daughters, that's disgusting."
The reaction from everyone was a mixture of shock and amusement. Their phones were still in the air, recording. Nessa looked around in content. "I can't blame him though, it is probably because you dress like this," She flung some pictures at me. There were the same pictures that Sandra had taken of me the previous night. They further implicated me, I looked like I was on my way to a strip club. My ears throbbed in embarrassment.
"You see, Andrew?" Jennie asked my brother. "Your sister is like your mum, she is slut that sleeps with men for money,"
"Shut up and leave him alone!" I screamed, my body trembling like I was having a seizure. I noticed Andrew look at me as tears escaped his lids. I only had my eyes fixated on Jennie. "He isn't a part of this,"
With that, Andrew ran out of the room and Sandra followed. "You fucking cunt!" I cursed at Jennie before letting out pained laughter. My fear left as he left and all I felt now was rage. They had done their worse but hurt Andrew. I saw a new dimension to these 'elites'. They were not just bullies or privileged assholes. They were downright heartless monsters. "You are mad, aren't you? That the whore's daughter stole your man." I mocked her.
There was a collective gasp from everyone and I watched in partial contentment as my comment wiped the smile clean off her face.
"Oh baby, does it hurt that bad?" I sympathized sarcastically. "You can't even bear to see his face in your little evidence that you had to cut him out," I smirked.
She lunged at me and gripped me by my hair. I wanted so bad to fight back but some students held me down so she could have the upper hand. While cursing at me, she kicked, punched and even spat at me.
I had to take it all until I started to feel faint. Everything around me was getting fuzzier by the second. My eyes lids started to flutter when I heard a voice at the doorway.
"What is going on here?" Jennie stopped and could finally catch a break. I opened my eyes to realize the person was Louis.
"It is good that you are here..." Jennie began but was cut off.
"Zoe?" His voice was firm but his worry was palpable
The room was pin-drop silent, probably from surprise. He came up to me and the students still holding me down. He did not need to talk, one look from him and they cleared living me on the floor. My uniform was ruined, my hair was unkempt and my face was buried. I was sure I looked like I had just come back from a boxing match. "Get up," He ordered.
I got up, ignoring the complaints from my brutalized body. Once I was up, dropped my head and could not look him in the eye. He had saved me once and I had been ungrateful and now would he risk it again? Especially with all his compradrés that were present. "Can you walk?" I heard him ask, I took a nervous glance at him and then at the door. I wanted nothing more than to leave this hell. I took a certain step forward but as I placed my weight fully on my right leg, I was greeted by a sharp unbearable pain. Too tired to yelp, grimaced and latched on anything or anyone closest to me. Louis did recoil when I held him for support instead he hissed, "I guess not," before scooping me into his arms.
Again there was a gasp, I could have done the same thing but I was far too exhausted and just let myself be carried. He made his way to the exit before stopping. "When I come back I want this place spotless and you guys with a reasonable explanation." Finally, he took me out of the room.

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