Truth hurts

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Minutes before...
Louis' POV
The elevator door opened with a bing and I stepped out, only to collide with someone. Before he could scurry away I held him by his collar. "Watch where you are going," I hissed in annoyance. What was a kid doing here in the first place?
The little boy looked up at me and I recognized him instantly. It was Zoe's younger brother, only now his face was almost the same shade as his hair. He looked scared. Before I could let him go I heard a voice call out. "Hold him, please," I looked at the person and realized it was Sandra, running towards us. I held on to him even though he was squirming.
She caught up, knelt and tried to get a hold of him but he remained resistant. "Please, Andrew..." She pleaded with him. "Sorry...
"No, you promised it was a surprise birthday party..." He countered, with hurt in his eyes. "...For Ray," He sniffled.
"What happened?" The mention of another male from the boy's mouth surged my interest and I could not help but blurt out the question. What was Zoe's relationship with this Ray guy?
Sandra looked up at me as if she was noticing me for the first time and went mute. She refused to answer my question. The boy's squirming reduced and Sandra was able to hold on to him. He held her and sobbed softly into her shoulder.
I decided to go on my way after deciding that it was none of my business. I noticed that the first class I passed by was empty which was strange. No students were loitering around in the hall. I further noticed that everything was quiet but the noise was coming from the elite's classroom. There were no activities planned there until closing so what was going on?
Confused I turned to ask Sandra if she had any idea what was happening. It was not like I could not go on my own but I was not in any mode for unserious things. But to my surprise, she was already walking toward me with the boy in her arms. "Louis,"
This would be the first time she had spoken directly to me. Non-elites simply were not built like that. "Yeah?"
"If you were wondering what is going on..."
And like that she spilt about what was going on. The surprise party from hell they had planned for Zoe, her involvement in the plan, the 'evidence' and more.
"That explains it," I murmured, mostly to myself. Without another word, I made my way to the classroom.
As waited I for the elevator to take me down with Zoe in my arms. We said nothing to one another as each one of us was caught in our reverie. This would be the second time I would save her. The second time I was betraying my family. I left my sick mother at home just to come to the rescue of Agatha Carter's daughter. When I walked into that room, I had not known what I would do until I saw Zoe on the floor, bruised and battered.
I could not just leave her there. She was mine; to break and destroy. I noticed her grimace as I took a turn in the direction of the nurses' office. Her ankle looked quite swollen despite being covered by her white sock.
After two knocks, the nurse finally opened the door for us to enter. When the elites had any events, the teachers and staff were strictly forbidden from interfering. Each of them would stay in their offices until the time had passed. I laid Zoe down to be attended to by the nurse and turned in my heel to leave.
"Thank you," I heard her say. "Again."
"Shouldn't you apologize as well?" I asked, turning back to look her in the eye. She lowered her head and began to tinkle with her fingers.
"I don't know what you are talking about." She answered. "I am not my mother, Louis,"
I chuckled bitterly at her defence. "That is all you can say, huh?"
She raised her head and we made eye contact. "Just like your friends who cut your face out of the video they took of us, you continuously cut your father out of the blame-worthy people in the affair."
"My mother might not be the most virtuous woman on earth but she has valid reasons for what she does meanwhile your father is only doing what he does simply for pleasure despite having a wife and children." She stated.
"Your mother is married too," I countered. "You have a father."
She gave a rueful grin. "She might be married but I don't have a father. That might be too complicated for you to process."
Did she dare to look down on me? "Your mother is the one that came into my family's life and ruined it, she is a fucking witch," I spat at her.
Zoe took a deep breath and closed her eyes, clearly from exhaustion. I was stressing her further. "I am not contesting that, Louis,"
Each time she said my name, I felt something in me spark like a livewire. How the hell did she always manage to have such an effect on me? Just by saying my fucking name.
She continued. "But if my mother is a witch then your father is the devil."
I was speechless.
"Excuse me?" The nurse who had left the room since our conversation started, peeked her head inside. "She needs medical attention." She told me worriedly.
After her last sentence, she had slumped on the bed and was now seemly sleeping. The last thing she said was still resonating in my head as I left the room.
The elevator door opened and Nessa stepped out. "WHERE IS SHE?" she screamed like a Banerjee. She ran towards me and attempted to hit me but overpowering her was a piece of cake. She broke down crying and pounding my chest. "You like that bitch, don't you?" She cried. "After everything... after everything her mother did to our family."
I stared blankly at her and held her until she lost most of her energy.

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