A Passionate Goodbye

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Zoe’s POV
We had to talk but ruining this moment felt like sin. It had been about two weeks since the whole birthday party incident and things between Louis and I were smooth. Sandra had not reached out to me at all. I was hurt by her actions but I could not hate her. I was hoping that not all we had had been a charade on her part. I remembered the look on her face in the elites’ classroom. The agony and vulnerability. She had not jibed at me like the rest of them.
Even though, deep down I knew that if the prank had ruined my relationship with my brother, I would feel differently. But Andy did not alienate me like he alienated Regina. I was glad that he did not understand the complexities of the situation. He did not need his innocence tainted more than it already was. Yet he took it maturely and said, “Kissing is what grownups do and that those mean kids should mind their business.” He had told me that the only reason he had cried was because he did not like what they were calling me. He was too sweet sometimes.
But here came the complexities, here I was sitting in front of a lake with Louis. It was a place that had been closed off a long time ago but Louis used to sneak back here for some peace. No one else came. We had to talk about the dark background our little relationship was in. Our parents' affair could not be ignored for too long. We were stalling and we knew it. Yet sometimes, it was so darn easy to forget everything and everyone when I was with him. He planned picnics for us, a gesture that I knew I would always find cute and surprising. That was not the only thing that I found mind-blowing about Louis Rodriguez. I had always thought that the only reason that he was  at the top of his class was because he could never fail to begin with. His father was the biggest sponsor of the school and who would let the son of a man like that fail.
As it would turn out, Louis was what other students would have called a nerd. He did not play with his studies despite the wealth he was born in. He was also insightful and liked quiet places. The only reason he seemed to always be the ‘one’ at a student gathering was because he needed to assert dominance in the school.
But now that I knew Louis a bit more, I figured that there was another reason why he was so hellbent on succeeding in his studies. And that was something that we needed to discuss. I turned to him. “About your father…” I started. “Won’t you inherit his company?” I was surprised by the stability of my voice.
He turned too to face me squarely. His face was completely neutral. “No,” He said without skipping a beat. “Nessa can take it if she wants.”
Just like I had suspected, He wanted nothing to do with his dad or his company because of his affair with my mother.
“Is he around nowadays?” I asked, now training my eyes on the lake.
“No,” He answered, almost too curtly.
I gulped but pressed on nevertheless, “My mum has been around a lot nowadays,” Which wasn’t a lie.
“So?” He asked but luckily his voice lacked harshness. “Are you saying he has another whore?”
The lack of harshness in his tone only made his words hurt more.
‘Another whore’
Hopefully not, or my plan could never work.
I shrugged off the question. “How is your mother?” I asked.
His answer was not as immediate as before. This was the first time that I had ever said anything concerning her.
I took my eyes away from the lake and looked at him. I placed my hand on his and clasped it.
My gesture pushed out the reply that I had expected but had still dreaded hearing. “Hurt,” He paused. “Betrayed and heartbroken,”
I pursed my lips into a straight line. “Won’t our relationship only hurt her more,”
His eyes widened before they went back to normal. “It will,” He conceded. He was the one clasping my hand now as though he did not want me to go.
“I want to confront my mother today,” I revealed.
His shoulder tensed but he said nothing.
“If she does not end things with him, I will leave home.”
Louis gets on his knees and yanks me by the shoulders. “Are you crazy?”
“Your mother lost a husband and mine will lose a daughter,” I argued. “It is only fair.”
Louis was not convinced “And do you think that will fix anything? That my mother will accept you just because of that?”
He did not even let me put a word in.
“What about Andy?” He asked. “You are going to leave him with them?”
At the mention of Andy tears began to sting my eye. He stopped and pulled me into an embrace and I broke down.
He rubbed my back, cooing me. “Breath Zoe, don’t worry I am here,”
That exactly was the problem. He shouldn’t be here. He should be with his mother and telling her the things he is telling me now. The Carter women were really something. First my mother slept with a poor woman’s husband and now I had her son’s arms wrapped around me.  It was wrong and I knew it. Authors wrote of forbidden love like it was romance but in reality it was horror.
I was the first to pull away, he reached out to wipe my tears but I disallowed him and did it myself. “If nothing can be done to fix it then we should face reality,” I watched as his shoulders slumped, I felt the tears building again.
“Your father already hurt your mother, you shouldn’t do it too,” I swallowed. “We can’t do this,”
He nodded slightly. I could have walked away like that but I found myself leaning forward. I placed my lips on his as the tears escaped. He did not hesitate to press me to him. Our first kiss and my first kiss had caught me unawares which caused me to not return it. This time was going to be different. It was going to be our last and I wanted it to count.
I kissed him harder and the ferocity he returned made my head spin. I let out a moan, the moment my mouth was opened, he slipped a deft tongue inside. Our tongues intertwined in a well-rehearsed dance of passion.  Every thought melted to mush beneath our heat. He lowered my back to the mat as he broke our kiss to trace my jaw to my neck. My nipples prickled against the light material of my dress as he went even lower. He sucked on the swell of my breast and I could not help but arch my back, beckoning him. He knew my needs as much as his own and slipped the straps off her shoulders. With my bra exposed, he stopped to stare with undiluted desire in his eyes. In one swift move, he pulled off his shirt. I reached out to trace the hard outline of his beautiful tan body and watched as he stifled a moan. I grazed a finger over his nipple and watched in amazement as it hardened. He pulled me to him and throughout that afternoon, we continued to cross boundaries and revel in the ecstasy that our bodies could bestow until we were breathless and soaked in sweat. 

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