part- 23

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-taes voice was cracking.

- Tae's papas voice was also cracking from the other side of the call.

" are you son?"
-Mr.Kim wanted to ask but it was obvious in his voice that he was struggling.

Pearl like tears were falling from Tae's eyes. He isn't able to control.

Tae: I'm okay papa. I'm really okay.

Mr.Kim: I know. I know you are okay. Jungkook is a really good boy.

Tae: he..he is..
- he said looking at Jungkook.

"How are you papa?"

Tae can understand by his voice that his papa isn't okay at all.

Mr.Kim: you are okay which means I'm o..okay too.. Now I can sleep peacefully that I know you're okay.

Tae: pa..papa..

Mr. Kim: do you remember what I said? Never come back here. Never. Even if you hear that..that I'm gone still don't come back. Always remember that okay?

Tae can't stop crying. Tears just weren't stopping.

He somehow said, "hmm"

Mr. Kim: never...never try to contact anyone. Never try to keep..... any connections to this place.

Mr. Kim was now struggling real hard. He was running out of breathe. But still he was talking cause this might be the last time he'll be talking to his son.

"Tae..I was never able to do something for you....or..your suffered....a..lot because can be happy life...God sent an angel... respect him....and...and...pray for me..."

Tae: papa!

Mr.Kim: is... Jungkook there..?

Tae: to him.

Tae gave the phone to Jungkook,

"Papa wants to talk to you.."

Jungkook took the phone,


"Jungkook....I'm you...Tae...he..he...suffered a his life...from his childhood...and now...I'm sure.....he's happy....with you....but still...please...take care of...him.."

Jungkook: please don't worry sensei. I'll take care of him. And also I arranged everything for your health. You will be admitted in a hospital there for now but as soon as you get better I'll bring you here in Seoul for better treatment. You're gonna be okay. jun.. Jungkook don't worry... about both...stay happy...and you...for everything... everything....

Jungkook could also understand that he was really sick.

Jungkook: Sensei, give the phone to the one who's beside you.

Mr Kim gave the phone to that person who talked to Jungkook earlier,

"I'm sending some staffs there by sometime and till then take good care of Sensei. You don't have to worry about money. I'll take care of everything. Just take care of Sensei until then.."

: Sir, Sensei is also my teacher as he is for you. It's okay the ambulance will be here in any moment.

Jungkook: okay. Make sure to update me about everything. And thank you for taking care of him.

: It's my pleasure. Bye sir take care.

-call ended-

Jungkook looked at Tae who was sitting in the couch and crying crazily.

Say You Love Me (TaeKook) ✓ [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now