The Introduction

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"Alright, that's it for today, you two." said a woman in her mid twenties with red and orange hair, known as Clarissa Turner, to the boys, both with silver hair, but with different styles of hair, as they picked up their bookbags, books, pencils and pencil cases as they began to walk out of the room, "I hope you two have a great day."

"You too Miss Turner!" said the two boys as they walked out of the room, but not until a man with bushy green hair and orange glasses entered from the other room.

"And don't forget to learn the differences between DNA and RNK!" the man shouted, also known as Dr. Genome as from the other room a man with blue hair and a small circle beard looked at his friend.

"Are you still bitter about that? It has been a week since you taught them that." said the man known as Aso Faust as Genome rolled his eyes.

"Well if you are a proud scientist that loves dissecting DNA and learning about them to every detail, you too would be angered by the fact that they don't know the differences." said Genome as he looked at his friend as Aso and Clarissa rolled their eyes at the sound of him talking about that.

Sure they respected him and cared for him, but he was slightly annoying with the whole DNA thing.

They did notice the two boys waving them goodbyes so they returned the favour.

The two boys continued walking away from the boat that their three 'teachers', or to be more specific, older brother/sister figures that are friends with one of the boys' father lived on and did their research about AIs or continued working as doctors.

The first boy was slightly younger than the other, around only 2 to 3 years older. He had silver gray hair with light blue eyes. He wears a grey jacket, white shirt, black pants and brown shirt. His name was Specter.

His story was rough, to say the least. Ever since he was born, his own parents abandoned him and the only real good parental figure he ever had was a tree of all things that protected him from the weather and wild animals. Not only that, when he was found and rescued, he was put in an orphanage that was the most miserable part of his life.

Not a single person wanted to be with him, be friends with him, play or even just acknowledge him when he was there to the point that he ran towards the tree that protected him everyday, until he was captured.

He was awoken to a room with nothing but a VR headset, a duel disk and a bed as he soon realized that he needed to win duels to even get food, but if they lost the duel they would be electrocuted and smashed into the wall.

Most children would be traumatized to even be in that room for a day, but poor Specter had to be in there for 6 months, but for some reason. He loved it. Every second of it because it was the only time he would be awoken to the joys of someone actually wanting to play for him, sometimes even forgetting that he would get food if he won a duel.

But when he was released from the incident, now that he knows the person beside him did it, it was going down the drain. The only time he would get anyone's attention was gone, and was replaced by people being the nicest they could ever be as he knew it was fake as they all felt pity, and the worst part of it all was the tree that was there for him when he needed it the most...

...was gone.

When he tried to run back into the facility to have the fun he would always have again, but to his shock, the facility that Specter was in, was closed, but that didn't mean it was over for his fun as he saw the boy that 'saved' him and now became his brother figure, Ryoken Kogami.

The other boy, Ryoken Kogami, had small gray hair with purple and blue highlights on the middle of his hair as he had light blue eyes. He currently wears a white buttoned shirt, black trousers and brown shoes. A little known fact is that he was the only son of the famous doctor, inventor and a member of the best company for the virtual world of Link VRAINS, Kiyoshi Kogami, where his mother tragically died during childbirth.

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