The Battle

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Light Ignis: 4000 lp

Varis: 4000 lp

The duel between the two fates of the human and Ignis race has begun. One side was an Ignis fighitng over the control of his fellow Ignis and turn them into mindless slaves, and the other was a human who is going to save them no matter how hard the duel will be.

" shall we begin, my friend?" asked Light as he raised his arm and placed it on under his digital chin, "Who shall make the first move? You, or me?"

Varis thought over the possibilities of just the first turn since usually it would be better if he started the duel since his monsters aren't monsters that could be destroyed very easily, especially with their effects, but this time is the exception.

"You can go first." Varis stated as Light, even without a mouth, smirked as he swiped his hand and five cards appeared.

"Wise choice, my friend." Light automatically selected a card from his hand as on the Master Duel field, the Field Spell zone was occupied. "From my hand, I activate my Field Spell, Armatos Colosseum." As then everyone could feel the Cyberse shake.

"Woah, what's happening?!" yelled Dark as he can barely keep up.

"I think we are about to see what it is." said Fire Ignis as then the entire palace looked like a Colosseum in ancient times, with the other Ignis as spectators as they watched the two duelists duel for the fate of the World.

"This is my Armatos Colosseum. Varis, my friend, you must be familiar with this place since it is part of your human history, am I not correct?" asked Light as Varis narrowed his eyes.

"It is. The Ancient Romans in Rome and some parts of Croatia, but where are you coming from with all of this?" Varis asked and answered at the same time.

"Well think of it as this way: Both gladiators fought for their freedom for the entertainment of the other Romans, somewhat like us, but we are not fighting for our freedom, but the fate of everyone." Light said as then a card appeared on his hand, "But let's continue on with our duel. When this card is activated, I get to add an Armatos Legio monster from my deck straight to my hand which I will now summon from my hand. Appear, Armatos Legio Gladius!"

A statue of a gladiator with a helmet and a sword, wearing the usual gladiator clothes. Something tells everyone that they have to get used to seeing those monsters.

(Armatos Legio Gladius: Level 2 - Light Cyberse - Attack: 0. Defense: 800.)

"I know it isn't much, but it is enough for me to illuminate my circuit." a circuit with 7 arrows appeared on Light's side of the field as some were astonished that he was going already, as Gladius went in the middle lower arrow in Light Speed, making it now red, "The summoning condition requires at 1 Level 4 or lower Armatos Legio monster."

"Appear, the knight that fights for its freedom. I Link Summon! Link 1, Armatos Legio Decurion!" onto Light's Extra monster zone, appeared a warrior with a silver helmet, red cape, brown boots, white fur around his nether regions, silver pads on his arms with a sword in his hands as he ran with no shirt.

(Armatos Legio Decurion: Link - Light Cyberse - Attack: 1000. Link: 1. Link Arrows: Bottom-Middle)

Light sent a card from his hand as a card then showed itself to everyone, "I send one Armatos Legio monster from my hand to the graveyard, so I can special summon from my hand my Armatos Legio Speculata."

A statue appeared onto the field that depicted a lone warrior with a cloak around his body, with a helmet on his head, some pants and a pouch on his pants.

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