The haunted house

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"So this random day, I decide to take my horse for a ride.... At night. It was the best and the worst decision I made, simultaneously. You know, I'm not scared of anything, usually.... "

"I walked out of the house at 12:00," Said jaddu. "I read somewhere that horses like night walks."

"Only you could read and believe something like that, Jad... " Said Virat.

"Shut up and listen," Grumbled Jaddu, clearly annoyed at being interrupted.

"So I walked about three kilometers towards east, and around four to the West.... "

"Fine, we don't want to know the directions to wherever you went, get off it!" Screeched harry.

"SHUT UP!" yelled jaddu. "Stop interrupting my flow of storytelling!"

"Keep telling us directions then... " Muttered Hardik.

"Yes, so I walked about four kilometers to the east and three to the west," Jaddu continued.

"You said four to west and three to east a minute ago," Harry interrupted again.

"STOP!!" Virat said, “thank you, Jad for the story!”



"We'll shoot a chahal Tv, ” said yuzi, jumping up.

“fine,” thought jaddu. “I won't make you listen— I'll make you experience.”


A short update after a long time! I promise daily updates from today *baby eyes*

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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