Chapter 3

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It was the middle of the night and when she opened her eyes, everything was blurry. She blinked repeatedly to get rid of the sight but was disturbed by the image of a curious and concerned face of a scruffy boy above her

"Aggh, what the-"

"Sorry to scare ya Skye, its just that you were crying in your sleep and you sounded terrified"

Skye blushed furiously while wiping her face.
"Um, sorry about that i didn't mean for that to happen"
"Don't be, you couldn't control it, and anyway, at least it was a dream right?"
He sounded reassuring while placing a hand infront of Skye to insinuate to get up. Skye took his hand and they both told each other about their dreams. Skye learned that he was Kingston and that he still remembered his parents and wanted to escape. He said that if he did, he would bring her along to meet her parents.
Skye blushed at the mannerism, shocked that someone she didn't even know would treat her with such kindness and respect. Skye found herself involved with whatever he did and enjoyed it. Once they even planned that they were going to run away after breakfast, as they couldn't run on an empty stomach. They were obviously caught and made to clean up after everyone after dinner, but it didn't subtract the amount of fun they had.
Skye couldn't imagine herself without Kingston ever.

A few months later, Skye was brushing her hair in the common bathrooms and kept on singing to herself the happy birthday tune over and over again. Skye was turning fifteen and was ready to alert everyone around her that she would be the age to buy a car and do stuff any teenager would do but more now, and she had to attitude to talk back to Sir but would backtrack immediately.
Skye was ready for 15 more than anyone.

"Hey guys"

"Sup skye" Max said back. He was a well-put boy, mainly around Mia and kept himself clean and his bed laid perfectly. Although a perfectionist l, he didn't care if you were sloppy or not, as long as you help with missions and chores, it didn't matter who you were.

"Well can you guess what day it is today?"

"Thursday?" Mia replied. Mia was a grudge-holding, solemn, pessimist who hates seeing anyone happy but Max or her. She also would not forgive Skye for forgetting that they would meet at the base for a new plan.

"No...try again!"

"The 16th?"

"Oh come on, don't tell me you guys forgot!"


"YES, Kingston wins"

"Woo, hooray, yippee" chimed Mia, sarcastically, of course. The rest wanted to see if they would let her rest for the day and if it would happen on their  birthdays.

"Go ask Sir if you can miss practice today"

"And see if would work for us"

Skye had two options. She could either go up to sir and ask him, like a fool or just miss practice and take the day off herself.
And she knew what she would pick.

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