Chapter 4

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"Dear diary, today was so much fun. Olivia told me about what diary's are and so im keeping one. Also Olivia told us about the 'origin' story of the E.Y.E.S and i found out origin means beginning. That sounds funny, 'origin'. Sounds like orange, anyways got to go, I thinks Sirs coming back in the room.

From Mia, 1998"

"Is that your diary?" Max asked, walking in the room calmly. Mia sighed as she was about to kick Max in the chin.

"Oh Max, its only you"

"Were you expecting someone else?"

"Don't be silly, obviously"

Max chuckled while Mia made room for him to sit on her bed. She was a fair girl with brown eyes and a meek nose. Although pretty, she wasn't anyone's little play thing. She knew that she was of value and didn't want anyone to think otherwise. She was brilliant on the battlefield and trained everyday, and when she wasn't training, she was either talking to Max or writing something in her diary.

"How old is that diary?"

"Since i was nine so 6 years"

"Wow, that's a pretty long time"

"Well," Mia started but got distracted by the writing of Olivia. She stared at it which made Max stare too. He saw the heartbreak in her eyes, while admiring the piece of writing.

"I get it, you miss her, we all do"

"I just wanted to say goodbye" Mia stated before a single tear rolled down her emotionless face.

"Mia," Max said, full of sorrow, hugging her with all his might before being pushed aside.

"Get off" Mia said, while wiping her tear " Someone may see us and think we're dating or worse, somethings wrong"

"Ah yes, can't have people thinking you have emotions"

"Ha ha" was Mia's reply to the comment.

Mia shoved the diary under her pillow while pretending to spar Max.

"Want any food?"

"No, just nuts and bolts"

Max smiled before leaving, shutting the door behind himself.

Mia began meditating, closing her eyes, legs and mind. She wanted to forget everything and everyone. She always imagined leaving with her family, a pretty mum and handsome dad with a cute puppy. Walking away while Max gets to live next door to them and playing games with others children, making friends and being a kid. But no, she has to live here and help the adults go fight crime while trying to lead this dorm to not die at hand. It was stressful and it didn't help that lazy members of the team, barely understood any of the things she said and they didn't understand any of the plans. Sometimes it was too much for Mia and she had no where to go.

Max came back after 25 minutes and told her what she was missing.

"Mia, come downstairs, we're having a food fight!"

"No thanks, i don't want to be smothered in someone elses food. Disgusting"

"Oh come on, i literally had to fight for my life to get up here"

"Then you can fight them for me and i will give you a medal"

"Ha ha, fine, just saying its pretty fun"

"Sure" Mia added before he left. Mia chuckled between herself before going back to zen.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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