Chapter 6

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A/N: Sorry it's taken me sooo long to update. I've been busy trying to find a new job and learning guitar andddd finding someone to co-author a story with me, which is very exciting. But yeah I'm so sorry loves! Anyway, here's chapter 6. Enjoy! Oh and also, come talk to me on tumblr! :)

Louis's POV

It had been four days since I had seen Harry. Four whole days. Granted, I had a lot of work to do, but there was a part of me that was just so distracted it was hard to focus on anything but the perfect green eyed boy. I began to feel like maybe I was getting too dependent on seeing him, but I didn't really care honestly. He was just so lovely, and everything I wasn't. He was always up for adventure, for trying something new. Or so it seemed to me, anyway.

He was tall and had muscles in all the right places... and those tight trousers he always wore drove me insane.

But I wanted to know more about Harry than the kind of trousers he liked to wear and the color of his eyes. I wanted to know every emotion behind those eyes, how to see every reaction coming from his face and know exactly why it was there. I wanted to know if he had any tattoos, I wanted to know if he liked his curly hair.

Surely I sounded like a stalker. Or creep. Or both.

If I didn't try to get a hold of my feelings soon, I was in trouble. Wait... feelings?... I barely even knew the boy and I already had feelings for him? Maybe it was more a certain kind of lust? Lust... hmm. It seemed deeper than that. But I couldn't quite bring myself to accept that I really was starting to like the boy. Well, man, I suppose... but barely. Ehh, either way, he was fit.

So fucking fit.

So it made sense to me that he would probably never feel the same way about me. I mean sure we had touched a few times, and he hadn't exactly gone running in the other direction, but that didn't mean that he liked me. It meant he was a nice human being. That was just the nice thing to do. Right?

The weekend finally came and I decided I should try to be social, so I wouldn't be stuck in my flat in a daydream about you know who.

It was around half eight on Friday night when I decided to called Liam, to see what he was up to.

Liam was always doing something fun, regardless of the fact that he really didn't drink, since he had only one kidney. I admired that about him. Not the one kidney thing, but the fact that he could have fun without drinking. So many of my friends and just people in general that I knew didn't know how to do that.

Sad to think we live in a world where most adults only know how to party and have sex and that's our definition of fun, I thought as I showered.

But Liam, he was my best mate, he was always there for me. He was there for me when Aiden broke up with me, and he came and stayed at my flat the whole two weeks I refused to go out anywhere. He held me when I sobbed, calmed me down when I screamed why, and helped me to burn all of Aiden's things I had randomly placed around my flat over the four years we were together.

I knew Liam's number by heart already, could say it backwards and forwards and in my sleep, but he was number two on my speed dial, (after my mum), so I never had to actually dial it. After I had finished my shower and pulled on some sweatpants, I fished my phone out of my scrub pockets and pulled up my speed dial. He answered on the second ring.

"Louissss!! What the fuck is up, mate? It's Friday and we need to do something fun," he practically screamed into the phone as I busted out laughing. He could always make me laugh, another reason why I loved the lad so dearly. 

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