Part 2

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The next day:

 Ivan fidgeted uncomfortably at his desk. After last night the last thing he wanted to do was go to school again and /she/ was bound to be there too. /She/. She had been the reason he didn't sleep much the last night, thinking, tossing and turning in his bed. He wondered why he hadn't turned her in yet and blushed. It had to be because he wanted an explanation, right? It couldn't be.. It couldn't be... He stopped that thought from ever appearing in his brain before trying to return his eyes to his desk and the unfinished homework from the last night. It didn't work. Why had he been there in the first place, watching her? He wished briefly that he could have just stayed home instead of following the mysterious girl into the woods. He had just wanted. Oh glob. He had wanted to ask her out. Ivan blushed again, reddening slightly more before turning pale, the dead body. How could he have forgotten about the body? "Because you don't want to accept it." whispered a voice in his head. Ivan shook his head to clear out the voice. "Because you like her." It was no use. He had seen what he had seen, the blood pouring out from the man's neck and chest where Alina had slashed him. He had seen the body fall to the ground and her insane giggle at the sight. Ivan buried his head in his hands at the thought, he just wanted to ask her out, was that too much to ask? And then his luck had taken a plunge. Ivan stiffened as a hand ruffled his hair. "Ivan, you okay?" 

It was Alina, he stared at her, his eyes widening and his lips parting to form the words he couldn't quite choke out. Alina looked at him again, he could see she was worried. "Why?" he wondered. Suddenly a thought struck him, what if, what if she would want to kill him next? What if that was the only reason she had kept him alive, was to kill him later? As if reading his mind, Alina looked at him. "Don't worry I won't." 

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