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It was early in the morning as Olivia was woken up to her phone ringing.

She sat up and groaned. She grabbed her phone off of the side and groaned as she saw Rachel was calling her.

"What's going on?" She asked as she answers the phone as she heard the silence in the other side before Rachel finally talked. "Mum?"

"It's your sister. Something happened," Rachel said as Olivia felt her stomach drop.

She suddenly felt very awake now. She stood from the bed. She rushed out of the bedroom and downstairs.

She didn't want to wake anyone. "What happened?" Olivia asked. She suddenly felt very sick. And she had a bad feeling over this.

She knew Aimee hadn't been coping. She knew how she just wanted her sister to be okay.

"I found her Liv. She tried to take a load of pills. She tried to take her life. We're at the hospital," Rachel said as Olivia tried to fight back the tears in her eyes.

She knew Aimee was struggling since Lily was taken away. She knew it wasn't easy for her. 

But she had no idea that Aimee was feeling this low. And she had no idea that she'd actually try and kill herself.

Olivia felt sick at the thought of it all and angry. She was angry that Kim had done this to her sister. How she  made her feel so low that she felt as if she had no other choice but to do this.

"I'll be there as soon as I can," Olivia said. 


Olivia got to the hospital as she saw Rachel as she walked over to her and smiled  "Is she okay? Please tell me that she is," Olivia said. 

Rachel looked to her daughter. She sighed.  "She's in a coma. It's medically induced just to stabilise her. They think that she'll be okay. She swallowed a load of pills. So hopefully she will be okay," Rachel said as Olivia looked to her and smiled. 

She was glad that her sister was going to be okay. And she was glad that she was alive.

Olivia felt angry. She knew that Kim was the reason for this. And that she had caused this. She had got Lily taken from Aimee when she didn't deserve it.

She was a good person and a good mum. And she didn't deserve this. 

Olivia was going to make sure that Kim paid for this. 


Olivia looked to see Max as he picked her up from the hospital. He looked to Olivia and stood from the car. He walked over to her. He pulled her into a hug and smiled. "She's okay isn't she?" He asked.

Olivia nodded. "Yes. It was hard. Seeing her like that. Kim can't get away with this Max. I mean it," she said as she looked to him.

He wiped away the tears from his eyes. He smiled.  "We will. We will make her pay for what she did. And Aimee will be okay. I promise," he said as she looked to hun and smiled.

She was determined to make Kim pay. No matter what it took.

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