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"Sit." He commanded. She listened curiously, wondering his intention and his end goal, knowing she had her own in mind. She sat on the bed, legs hanging over, back straight with anticipation. He eyed her, equally curious about how much she'll want to listen to him, how far she'll go. 

He put a thumb to her lip and gently caressed it. Soft and smooth. She observed him watching her lip, and his curiosity aroused her. He read her mind and bent down to kiss her lip gently, or so she thought because it wasn't gentle, it was hungry. She kissed back eagerly as he leaned his body into the kiss. Suddenly she was on her back and still near the edge of the bed so she kicked her legs up and tossed them around him.

She poked her chest out against his and deepened the kiss, neither thinking of air. In response, he pushed up against her, demonstrating his offering, his erection. 

She thought about how she should respond, but tried not to think too hard which wasn't too bad considering his lips were heavenly. 

She confidently reminded him of her wants, to go slow. So she pulled away, and looked into his eyes a bit expectantly. But little did she know, he was ready. He admired her body, instantly making her nervous because she could barely handle him looking at her for a long time, but it gave him something to do other than kiss her. As much as she loved kisses, the were supposed to be practicing and bonding.

She eyed him challengingly while he observed her, again it aroused her but anxiety was rearing its venomous head. She wondered about what he wanted.

He touched her skin, and she darted her eyes to his tattooed fingers. His eyes darted to her eyes to watch how she responds and to see what she likes. He touched her inner thighs and her breath hitched then she hummed a small moan. He stroked her inner thigh a bit rougher and since she had cocoa butter on, it was twice as enjoyable. He smiled in delight to know that she liked having her thighs caressed because he has a thigh fetish. 

Oh the fun he's going to have with her... That she also wants to have


He felt on her thighs more and made his way up to her stomach then up up to her small and cute chest. The way his tattooed fingers slid over her ribs made her neck tingle. Seemingly reading her mind again, one of his hands slid over to her neck causing her eyes to snap to his. He was already looking at her, maintaining eye contact, she bit her lip. He applied pressure and she gasped, unable to hide her smile because she was caught off guard. He smiled too and kissed her lips again. 

His kisses advanced along her jaw and down  to her neck, he began his hunt for her spot. A mischievous smile found its way to his lips at the thought of her having multiple spots. He started slowly and gently on the far right side of her neck, then to the middle of the right, finally to the right side of her throat. She slowed her breath in anticipation of him finding it. 

At last he found it, at the base of her neck just further down from where he was. An audible moan escaped her lips, it was a bit deeper than he expected but he liked it and immediately wanted to hear it more. His full, warm, moist lips kissed her neck deeply, and he smiled into her neck then proceeded to mark her, thus getting those deep moans he had a new craving for. 

He could sense her slowly craving his dominance, in fact she knew he was craving her submission all the same. It was just a matter of them having patience with themselves and each other. He suddenly had an idea.

"On all fours." He ordered. Her eyes defensively snapped to his for a moment but she wasted no time complying. On all fours, she awaited his next move but he surprised her with a compliment, something she wasn't used to getting. 

"Damn you look good." He said quietly. She turned to him and mumbled. "Thank you."

He kissed her ass before saying, "Keep your head straight and forward. Disobeying means getting spanked." As a demonstration, he smacked her ass and said, "A bit like that." Understanding, she turned her head around and bit her lip instinctively when his palm connected with her ass causing it to sting a little. "No biting your lips either," He said firmly, then quietly, "You do that enough already."

He felt on the rest of her body, feeling her soft curves, admiring her smooth figure. He hummed softly as he felt on her thighs again, if only she knew just how much he enjoyed her chocolate thighs. He noticed that she too hummed softly. 

He wondered if his submissive also enjoyed having her thighs touched and caressed. He decided to simply ask. 

"Do you like having your thighs touched like this?" He turned his hand over and stroked her inner thigh with the back of his hand. She moaned then responded, "Mm, yes I do." He didn't like that answer, it was missing something so he said, "Yes I do, who?" He gripped her ass aggressively. She moaned and mumbled a curse, she thought quickly and blurted out, "Daddy." But he didn't like that either.

Then it came to her and she chuckled. "Papí."

That one made his heart, his dick, and his soul feel some type of way. It appealed to his Latino heritage. He gripped her ass a bit softer now, and made his way to her way almost growling, "Now that's the one!" He kissed behind her ear lustfully. She gasped at the pleasure and her legs trembled a bit. He gently caressed her small chest and trailed his hands down her side as he hummed a moan in her ear, hands once again roaming to her thighs. 

He thought carefully about his next words. "Turn over." He got off of her and watched her from head to toe as she obeyed his command. When she was fully on her back, her eyes flickered up to meet his. He admired her body once again. Her brown skin in this lacy outfit, with her thighs out and open, exposing herself to him. She observed him basically eye-fucking her thighs. He couldn't stop staring and feeling on valley her legs made. 

He again found himself needing to think carefully, this time about his actions. He looked up at her to see her biting her index finger while watching him. He replaced her finger with his thumb and she willingly welcomed his thumb into her wet mouth. He swished his thumb around gently and hummed another moan as her mouth got wetter. She moved her head around to suck on his thumb performatively.  

She found performing for him to be very fun, which gave her some ideas for future practice.

She looked down to see his dick growing in his pants. She smiled delightfully. Suddenly she felt his thumb go deeper and she snapped her eyes to him and moaned softly. He stroked her inner thighs and massaged her tongue. 

He knew he could go deeper, but looking into her eyes, he could tell she didn't want him to. He obeyed her silent wishes. 

In a couple of minutes, she felt her other lips getting wet as she moaned more, feeling her submission desiring his love. 

**Let me know if y'all liked the slow feel of this teaser. It's how the book is going to be!

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