The Vacation Part 1

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**Please refer to the song "Like it" by Balaciaga, it's the vibe between her and him

**Vote and comment on your favorite scenes, let me know if y'all liked it

Entering the hotel we chose to stay in, my cousin and I took in the view and the spacious beauty of the luxurious room. I found the bathroom and finally let go of the pee I had been holding in. I suppressed the moan that came out of me as I had been edging myself for a while. I thought about all we had planned, the weather, and the unusual amount of dresses I brought with me, and I smiled to myself.

This trip might be everything I needed.

Finally out in the city, my cousin and I had dinner at this tourist spot, highly rated, and lively. I wore a red monochrome dress with a long black shawl, my cousin wore a black dress, and I had my hair in box braids, half up and half down with a brain on either side of my face. 

I usually never wear dresses... but hey, new country, new me. 

After getting settled in, my cousin used her fake ID to get us drinks. I warned her against it but she assured me that we wouldn't get caught. I didn't get anything heavy, I wanted to have fun, not push my luck. 

We talked about how different our lives are, and it was going fine until I looked over at the bar.

I saw this man.

He was the most beautiful man I had ever seen in person, and specific to my liking. I could tell he was tall even though he was leaned over and talking to some other guy. I couldn't help but continue to stare. He wore a Hawaiian style shirt but it had drawings on it instead of trees or fruits, he wore short pants, and his shoes were on fleek. 

My neck was getting tired but I didn't care. Part of me feared he would disappear if I looked away. I was definitely staring for a while because my cousin was talking but I wasn't processing her words. 

He looked over and we locked eyes.

I think my cousin was snapping at me at this point. 

When he turned I finally noticed his tattoos and multiple ear piercings and brown eyes, and his oh so luscious lips.

I continued to stare at him. My heart raced. I was intent.

Apparently now so was he because he ended his conversation and made his way over.

My cousin gripped my arm, "Who is he? Do you know him? Oh shit he's coming over here!" 

We both took a couple sips of our drink. Finally, he was here.

Dear Lord, in the light he was fucking gorgeous. The way he looked down at me with that forming smile, my eyes immediately snapped to his lips, their shade, size, shape, and his perfect teeth. I was beaming.

He spoke, "Hello, ladies. May I sit?"

And his voice was smooth and deep?? 

I wanted him. But I instantly forgot my lust and reminded myself of the potential danger.

My cousin said, "Yes!" 

I mumbled, "Yea.."

He looked at me. 

He sat on the third chair at our table, he scooted closer to me and as I made a movement to scoot over, I quickly grabbed my fork and put it under the table.

 I studied his demeanor.

In my peripheral, I saw my cousin also checking him out.

It's not a competition, but in the back of my mind the doubt creeped in, and I knew he might choose her. But to my surprise, he kept his attention on me as he spoke.

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