Part 2

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The picture above is Aubrey's outfit. I would like to say thanks to the 3 people who have already read my book and I just put it out.

"Glenn!" I yelled running towards my brother.

"Aubrey!" Glenn yelled running towards me.

We hugged each other til it felt like forever.

"Y'all know each other?" Daryl asked

Of course I had to run my smartass mouth.

"Naw, were just hugging each other"I said

I heard Daryl mumble something that sounded like 'smartass' bit I just let it go.

"Were brother and sister"Glenn said chuckling a little.

"Where's Clemintine at" I asked Glenn

As soon as I said that I heard a very familiar voice.

"Aubrey!" Yelled Clemintine

"Clem!" I said as Glenn Clem and me hugged each other for which felt like for hours.

Rick came over and told us it was curfew and everyone needed to be in the prison. He also said that he would introduce me to everyone in the morning.

As we walked into the prison Clem said she would show me my cell. As I walked into the cell there sat someone I didn't think would be there. Daryl. I poked my head out of the cell and yelled

"Hey Clem,wrong cell" I whisper yelled.

"Nope,that all the cells we have left" she whisper yelled back.

I walked in and throwed my bag on the top bunk and climbed up. As I was climbing up I lost my balance and about fell to the ground when a pair of strong arms caught me.

I looked up into those Georgia blue eyes and then down to his lips only to be met by a smirk.

"You fall alot dont ye" Daryl said laughing a little bit.

"Yes,yes I do, now can ya put me down" I said laughing a little bit too.

Once he put me down I climbed up and laid down. After a good 20 minutes I decided I couldnt fall asleep. And I'm glad I didn't. Cause what Daryl said next,I probably needed to hear.

"I think I love ye Aubrey" he said.

*next morning*

I woke and it was bright out side. I hoped down off the bunk. Daryl wasn't there so I decided to change into some clothes Maggie gave me and who I soon realised is Glenn's wife. After I changed and brushed my hair I walked out of the cell and down the steps. Rick had everyone in the cafeteria.

"Everyone this is Aubrey,she is new to the group" Rick announced.

"Here sweetie eat this and by the way I'm Carol" Carol said with a small smile.

"Thank you Carol" I said

After I ate,I decided to go outside. I saw'll Daryl by himself at the fence clearing out the walkers. Before I even knew it my feet were walking in the direction of Daryl.

I picked up a cane that had the end sharpened and started to stab walkers between the head.

"Hey" I said loud enough for him to hear me.

"Hey" he said pretty loud which got the walkers a little more stirred up.

"I didn't sleep at all last"

"Did you hear what I said" he said getting a little worried.

"Nope" I said popping the 'P'.

"Oh" was all he said.

*magical time skip*

Its been about a year now since I've been at the prison. We killed The Governor and all his men including everybody at Woodbury.

Daryl has kissed me once and has been avoiding me ever since. He keeps saying that he thinks he still loves me. Until last night he said he loves me for real. And the truth is I love him too.

Oh yeah I almost forgot, Maggie's pregnant.

I was about noon and everyone came and got lunch, ate, then left. The only two people left in the cafeteria is Daryl and me.
He's not avoiding me anymore which I'm happy about. He was sitting right next to me eating. He droped his fork.

" I love ye Aubrey" Daryl said looking at while I looked right back at him.

"I love you too" I said not even realising what I had just said.

"I need ye" he said as he stared at his food.

"Then take me" I said.

And with that we had a mini make out session until he picked me up bridal style and carried me to the watch tower without us being noticed.

When we got in there, Daryl sat me down and started kissing me again. Things got heated from there. (Wink-Wink).

*2 hours later*

We just laid there. My head on his chest while he had his arms wrapped around me.

"I love ye" said Daryl

"I love you too" I said wrapping my leg around his.

"Does this mean were a thing now?" I asked.

"Only if ye want it to" he said answering my question perfectly.

I kissed him then he started to chuckle.

"I'll take that as a yes" he said

I stood up to put my clothes back on. Til I realised something. My scars.

"What happened to your back" Daryl said which made me jump a little.

"My mom left me, Glenn, and Clem when we were still young. My drunk father beat us all with a whip. All of us have the scars and since I was the oldest I got whipped the hardest and got blamed the most for our mom leaving". I said as tears spilled it of my eyes remembering those night's.

Daryl pulled me into his chest telling me it would be alright and he couldnt hurt me anymore.

"Can I show you something" Daryl said breaking the long silence.

"Sure" I said looking up at him.

He let go of me and turned around only for me to see his scars.

I started to trace the biggest scar from his left shoulder blade down to his right side. I felt him tense up under my hand but then relaxed.

"Come on let's go, everyone probably wondering were we are" he said


We put our clothes back onto hen walked outside hand in hand.

Joining this group was the best thing that happened to me, I thought to myself.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when someone's scream filled my ears. And that scream was Maggie's.

Authors Note

DUN DUN DUN. Why do think she screamed.
You'll find out in a bit .

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