Part 4

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The bright light poured into my cell. My eyes burned when I opened them

I rolled over expecting to find a sleeping Daryl, but I didn't. All I see is a wall.

I got out of bed, change my clothes, and brushed my hair then put it in a braid.

I put my gun in its holster and decided to not bring my machete.I was about to walk out when Glenn came in with a crying baby in his hands.

"What's wrong with him, he won't stop crying?"Glenn asked in a very tired voice

"Here,let me see him" I said

I took the baby out of his arms and smelled something that smelt like a walker.

"Glenn, can you smell, this boy needs a diaper change"

"Oh um sorry" he said nervously

"Its good"

Now I need to find Daryl. When I walked around the prison a couple of times and couldn't find I just decided to ask Rick where he was.

I walked down to where rick was.

"Hey Rick, you know where Daryl is"I asked

"The flu broke out in cell block A and Daryl,Bob,Michone,and Tyresse went on a run to get medicine. But they'll be back sometime today" he answered with a small smile.

"Oh OK thanks" I answered

"Hey um Maggie and Herschel's funeral is starting here in a minute, you wanna come with me" he said before I walked away.

"I'll go get Glenn and Beth" I said

I went into the prison and got them now we were standing around there graves. Everyone else was saying something and the both of them. I didn't know either one very much so I didn't say anything.

I walked over to Clem because she had a sad face.

"What's wrong Clem?"I asked thinking it was probably about the all the people dying.

She started crying when I asked her.

"C-carl h-h-he's b-b-i-t"she said while looking at the ground.

I gasped and asked her where he is. She said he's in his cell.

I started running as fast as I could to his cell.

When I ran in there I was surprised to see rick standing there holding a dead boy in his hands.

"I'm so sorry Carl"he whispered

Not even seconds later he pulled out his gun and shot Carl in the head. Then he caulked the gun and put it to his temple.

"Take care of Judith for me"is what he said before he pulled the trigger.

"NO NO NO NO RICK!!"I yelled before almost falling to the ground when a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and picked me up and carried me bridal style and carried me to our cell.
I already knew it was Daryl so I put my head between his neck and cried.and I cried until I fell asleep.

*2 months later*

After everything happened with Rick and Carl. We buried them and had a funeral service for them.

I was lost in thought when Glenn came running into my cell yelling.

"Daryl's bit" he yelled

I got up and starting running towards the court yard. When I finnaly got there,everybody from the prison was there.

And there was Daryl down on one knee. I walked up to him and the next thing he said surprised me.

"Aubrey Rhee will ye do me the honor of becoming a Dixon"he said while looking up at me.

I didn't know what to say


Will she say yes or will she say no

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