I Remember You

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My eyes, now puffy and tender were beginning to readjust after all the tears and used tissue.

I remembered.

It was shocking..no, terrifying that I could remember the name of someone I didn't know. Rather, It was strange. Days ago, I uncovered an entire new identity that I didn't know existed. I was yelling at my parents and I stormed off then woke up to my ex..something professing his love to me.

My head throbs

"It's all so.." A steaming mug is handed to me.

I follow the extended arm to the smiling Phoebe. I shakily take the cup. The aroma of cream and nutmeg hugs me tightly, and the warmth stills my nerves even if it was temporary.

"Crazy? I know. Sometimes, I think when we were all 16 things were far more bearable than they are now. At least we could have hidden our scars better. As adults, we can't hide anything."

I nod, though not fully understanding what she meant. I'd always been open to my parents to a fault. It was Dawn who had more courage to have that boundary set. Not Calliope.

I didn't even have the courage to reject Jesse

The Jesse who I have to keep reminding around the hour that I was fine and okay and not dead.

But his worry was valid

Phoebe seemed to be the only sane person in this house, someone who wasn't egging me on to stay just for Jacobe. She was comforting, I broke down in front of her and she held me till I was finished letting it all out. And she doesn't seem to mind my distrust in Jacobe despite them being friendly(ish)

"It's still hard to believe. I dont even know where to start. My parents lie, my ex-boyfriend is..him I mean, he takes everything too far. You seem lovely and I can't imagine why you both put up with him the way you do." Phoebe's eyes grow wide before wagging her finger with a sharp smirk

"God we've come full circle haven't we! I used to tell you the exact same thing. How could you deal with him? You're dating a total asshole or my personal favorite: Even Hell would send his ass back. But you'd insist that he was sweet and lovable.

But I know better. That's why I'm here to save you." Phoebe scoffs with a head shake. I smile but mask it into my drink

It seemed to be true however. Jacobe, when he cared was incredibly princely and romantic. If it wasn't for the crazy kidnapping I could find him to be charming.

"Will you..tell me everything?" Jacobe still withheld a lot of information I was eager to know. And for whatever reason I felt like he wanted me to leave it up to my family to fill in the blanks. The fun melts away from her eyes

"Jacobes fucked up. We all are. We didn't even have the bare minimal of a decent childhood and Jacobe is a product of his environment. It's not an excuse but, it does explain why he's teetering the line of psychopath. But when he met you it's like...he was already an annoying piece of shit but he became less shitty over time." she puts the cup to her lips

I laugh and wipe the whipped cream from her chin

"Jacobe.." Phoebe grabs my hand tightly

Large foot steps crowd into the kitchen and it was Jacobe, still heavenly beautiful but a scowl now replaced the sweet expressions he showed me. Damn, he really comes in at the worst time.

"It's late so I wont take her back tonight, but in the morning she will be back to where she belongs." Phoebe says simply drinking away at the hot cocoa

He nods, jaw locked but silent. Phoebe notices too and puts down her mug in haste

"Shit..Did they reject my deal?" Jacobe again nods silently, Phoebe curses under her breath. "Do they think I pull work out of my fucking ass? I spent weeks typing that proposal for them to reject the most generous offer imaginable before we-"

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