Chapter 13-Carly

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We chatted for a bit. Then we had some deep kisses. Took breaths when needed. Then Sera came in the room. I swear, I know she knock on the door to let us know. Then again, I'm hard hearing so I couldn't hear it. But Niall never notice it. I pissed Sera more. I gave a small chuckled.

"I don't wanna go" he complain

"Neither do I. But Rue wanted to see us. Plus she have backstage passes so she needs to see you guys." I said with a smile and gave him another kiss.

"Fine" he pouted. He grabbed my hand and we walk out where Rue was. She squealed. I thought she love Niall or she just love Narleen. She ran up to Niall and they hugged. I saw Harry said something but I couldn't get what his lip said and Sera hit him. I lift my eyebrows in confused and Sera mouth 'It's nothing' and she hit him again. I chuckled softly. I bent down to Rue's height.

"I love Niall when I first love One Direction but I love Narleen! You guys are the cutest! Is it really true you knew each other? I wanna know everything." she said to me and squealed again when everyone came in. I swore I misunderstood her because she was talking so fast. I also have some weakness with American accent. I looked at Niall and he know what I mean. He gave me a quick signing and I nodded. I knew he did that so Rue doesn't know I misunderstood. Rue return to us and looked at me.

"Yes, we knew each when we were about 6. I would love to tell you about it." I told her.

"About what?" Zayn asked.

"Our life as kids" Niall answered for him.

"I wanna hear it too." Liam said. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine. Go sit. It kind of a long story." and I sat in the open chair.

"I'm ready when you are Carly" Rue said. I nodded.

"It was the first day of school. I was the shy person. Since I'm hard of hearing, I had an interpreter to help me with listening to the teacher. Niall just walked up to me. Ask if we want to be friends. I accept it because I knew that was the one chance. Every weekends we hang out. We were very close. We never left each other. Always playing football, AKA, soccer for fun. We never left each other. Even when his parents divorced. He stayed with me for a long time. I trusted him. I told him everything. He was the only one that understood me. Even my parents was shocked to see me this close to him."

"How you guys left each other? Since you said you live in America?" Rue asked. I thought of it. Flashback was forming me. I never like talking about to anyone beside Sera and Niall. I took a big sigh.

"I left Ireland when my dad got a new better job in America. A year before he warned us but it was either UK or America. Niall and I spent every time we could. Then dad got a job in America. I was not like myself. Summer of going into 8th grade. I never left Niall side. We stayed together. Until we went to the airport. I had feeling for him earlier that year when dad was waiting for the job. I never wanted to tell him. Until that day, I told him I loved him. He admitted it too. And we had our first kiss right at the airport. Then I pulled by mum. I never saw him until 7 years later at the concert." I said a bit tearing up at the end. Niall went up to me and hugged me. I bury my head in his chest.

"Wow!" was all I heard from Rue. But I felt his head moved. We went back to Niall's room and I saw his face again.

"Good job babe. You stood up and told everyone. I gave a soft smile.


"What the fuck are you doing Nialler! Those are for the party! Save them!" I yelled at Niall who was trying to eat all the foods.

"But I'm hungry!" he cried out. I just rolled my eyes. Sera's birthday was today and she was out shopping, with Harry and Rue but we had to get the party ready. The lads -except Harry- was here finishing up the last touches. I smiled how the party look. Some of Sera's family was here as well as my mum. I was surprise to see her here. Then I knew she wanted to see Niall again. She ran to me and hugged me.

"Where Niall? I haven't seen him in forever!"

"Mum!" I cried. She so embarrassing sometime. He saw me and mum and went up to us.

"Nialler! Look how much you grown! How you been! How life being famous?"

"MOM!" I yelled out again in my American accent. She just rolled her eyes.

"I'm been okay. Now I'm happy to be with Carly again." He said with a smile. Then she left. I rolled my eyes at her when she not looking. "She always like this now?" I nodded in annoyed.

Sera arrived at the party and of course she was shocked.

"Carly! I freaking love you!!!!!" She yelled out. Harry came up to me.

"Great job" he said to me. I nodded. I then Rue look a little shy. She was about to meet her real bloodline family.


So for some of you wondering about the past and why Carly left Niall in the first place. Hope you like this. I like this because Carly trusted Rue and she overcome it. Anyway, please comment if you read this. So I know. And if there any tips, please tell. I would love some tips. Thanks!


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