Chapter 29-Carly

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After I saw Bella, I smiled. I was happy for her. She just needed me to make her happy.

"Don't forget we have dinner tonight." I reminded her and kissed her forehead.

"Alright, love you" She then gave me a hug. I hugged her back and rocked her a little.

"Come over to our flat. We're going together." I whispered to her and she nodded. "I will always love you. Don't forget that. I better get back. Niall still here" We exchanged smiled and went down to the living room. "Niall! Let go!" I cried out.

"Sorry, had to use the toilet." I rolled my eyes and hopped over to the car.

"Can I play football now!" I yelled out instead of a question.

"Well you need to be approve by your therapy first and get off the brace. Then you can play."

"But I can kick on my left. Wait no, I'm a rightie." I'm not even sure why I'm making jokes right now.


As soon as we got back to the flats I explored it. Then I went to my room and saw a very pretty pink dress that reach all the way to the floor. I knew who got it for me. I grabbed my phone and called the only person who would had gotton this.

"Did you find it yet?" She answered.

"Find what?" I joked.

"Umm nothing go to your room"

"I'm not at my flat, I'm still at Bella's flat"


"You really to learn this if you're living here. Anyway, thanks for the dress, bye!" I hanged up the phone and counted to five. Just as I reach five, she called back. "Forget something?"

"Yes, wait what?" She stopped for a second. "So you like it?"


"Shit! Harry she doesn't like it!" I started laughing.

"No, I L-O-V-E, love it!"

"I hate you"

"I love you. Have to go now, bye!" and hang up. That why I love her because she doesn't know when I'm joking around. Niall came in and looked at me while I was laughing very hard. "Sera is all I can say. Oh and look what she got me for the date tonight!" I said proudly.

"Beautiful. I can't wait to see it on you. But aren't you early?"

"I guess." I looked around the room and I saw something in the closet. I gave Niall a look and he nodded. He read my mind again. We knew each other when we were very young so that made sense to me. I went in there and I took the box out and opened it. I gasped a little and I smiled. I grabbed the light pink guitar. "Thanks Nialler." and sat on my bed again and picked it up lightly.

"Welcome babe. So you're ready to learn how to?" I nodded. Ever since he got his first guitar at 12 and I wasn't there, I wanted to get lesson from him and him only. I kept on shivering everytime he wrap his arms around mine when he was showing me how to play on it.

After a while, I became a pro. I already learned Little Things. I'm that smart with music. It feel funny playing with strings since I was so used to blowing on my saxophone. This was the best gift I ever got from Niall. I mean mum would never get me anything for saxophone. I have to relied on my dad to do that for me. Also I lack practice because mum hates it.

"Thanks again. I better get ready. Bell and Sera and their boyfriends are coming in an hour." I pecked his lips and he nodded. I put on my beautiful dress and saw I look. I look at the crushes in the corner and sighed a little. I wanted to get rid of it for tonight. Maybe I'll ask Niall to hold on to me so I still look pretty. Excluding the brace on my leg. I took a look in the mirror and smiled. A 'retired' footballer is returning back in a few months. Just then my sisters came rushing into my room.

"I told you she would had look pretty in that dress!" Sera blurted out.

"Oh whatever. You made me wear this and I'm a total tomboy here!" Bella blurted out next.

"Oh you two. Sera, beautiful like always. The princess will still love on." I did a little bow for Sera. Then I turned to my youngest sister. "I know you hates wearing dresses but for once you are so pretty. To be honest you're prettier than me."

"Oh shut up. You are!" I rolled my eyes and hugged her. I turned around and saw Sera playing on my new guitar.

"Nobody said you can play on it!" I yelled and half hopped over to her.

"Sorry, you play any songs? Cause I wanna sing something tonight and let everyone know about my voice."

"You still want to be a famous singer?" She had a dream of being a singer. She have an awesome voice.

"Ya. I haven't really sang to anyone yet and I feel like it should be tonight."

"Well, I just got this today and you're lucky. I'm a quick learner and I know Little Things" I gave a wink and we both smiled at the same time. "We better go now. Unless everyone taking forever again" I joked

"Louis never take forever" Bella said.

"He does when something is special." I answered


The best I wrote so far!

Anyway, if most of you haven't got my message, I will not be updating for the next two weeks. My last day of school is June 7th but I have 3 Regents/Final Exam test June 11-13. Then I'm free June 14th. Until then there will be no updates until I'm done since I want to pass and not go to summer school.



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