Forward and back and forward again

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Merry go round, and round and round 1 step forward, 3 steps back
Sisphus rock, down and up and down
A pendulum swing with arms gone slack
Windmills move but never move
Gears that turn and turn for naught
Rigorous cycles with feelings to prove It feels Hopeless
Hopelessness with boundless hope
Not a way to find or cope
The true master of the house casts that rope
To bring us back from dispear
Jesus is his name
I cannot live without him nor you
Together we're his perfect pair
Love that burns and scares and blackens
Heros l engine, through and trues
Though wounds and hurt, drive never lackens
God's love, it makes its dues
Hard to endure the endless cycle
With you, it's worth it
Till the end of time
Forever and ever
All according to the Lord's plan
That like you
Is perfect

A poem by Higgers

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