Nostalgic Trauma

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At what point do memories become nightmares?
Remind you of what you've lost
Sweet nostalgia contributrs to bitter trauma
Innocent smiles, misplaced, lost

Bleeding heart, cracked wide open
Some better cracked than torn apart
Scrambled words that were never spoken
Boundless joy from their lives depart

Look at the photos, look at the happy times
But it's in the past. The therapist said not to live in the past
But it's taken so much from me!
I have the past, why can't it leave me alone?!
It doesn't care about me, I've shown
You that no matter how bright I've shone
It'll never be enough to stop the tears
Or get me back all the wasted years
Just for all my friends to run away
Not even a small text to say, "hey"

At what point does the future become a warning?
I can already see the new people and they already want to leave. They just don't know that yet but you'll see
You'll see it and then you'll have to admit
I was right

I hate those dreadful memories

A poem by higgers

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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