VIII: Closure

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The farm was a mess. When Felix wanted to bring manpower, he definitely knew how to bring it. The murder attempt before them was exactly what the police needed, and it certainly didn't help the cult's case. 23 people were arrested that night, including that of 'Father' Graham. The fire was put out and the children there were brought to a safer place, though still apprehended for interrogation purposes. Felix's concern, however, was with his assistant.

Violent coughs escaped Miss Berrycloth once she recovered from her fainting spell.

"Shh, that's it, there we are... here," Felix spoke softly, O'Malley rushing over with a glass of water and handing it to him, "This'll fix you right up." He helped support her head, bringing the cup to her mouth and slightly tipping forward. Dahlia guzzled it down like it had been the first drink of water she's had in years.

"Will she be alright?" O'Malley asked, "We can rush her to a hospital, if needed."

"No need, I've got her. Unfortunately, this wasn't the first time."

Dahlia gasped for air as soon as she finished her drink, sitting up and leaning against Felix as she tried to regain her bearings. "Mr. Fletcher...?"

Felix responded with a weak smile, waving O'Malley off so he and his assistant could be alone for a bit. "I told you you'd do beautifully... are you alright? How do you feel?"

"Like shit." Dahlia said with a breathy giggle, relishing in her rare usage of cuss words. Her lighthearted demeanor didn't last, though, her face falling to a somber expression as she brought her knees up to her chest. "I almost died..."

"I saw." Felix said, "You're one lucky lady, Dahlia. I know, I know I broke my promise..." his hand fell on hers, searching for the right words to say. "I'm not too good at keeping those, as you probably know, heheh... I'm just- glad you're alright..."

Dahlia's face tinted pink as he touched her hand, her gaze shifting back towards the ground. "Hm... I suppose I can forgive you this time. For saving my life, of course."

"Well, it just felt like the right thing to do. You saved my life countless times before, after all." He said with a smile, shifting in place. "It appears we solved the case, though. A cult..."

"I just hope that living scum never sees a shilling of his wealth or reputation again..." Dahlia said, bringing her knees back down, hesitantly leaning her head against Felix's shoulder. "Do you think he'll go to jail, sir?"

"Who knows. I'd be surprised if he doesn't though, him and everyone else. If not for Margaret's murder, then for an attempted one."

The two sat there for a good long while. The police could be heard in the background still trying to put out the fire, talking to cult members, making the arrests they needed to make.

"...Hey," Felix began, nudging her, "How about we go on break for a little bit. Just a couple days, you and me. We can stay at home, brew a cup or two..."

"...Maybe visit the bookstore?" Dahlia added on.

"Oh goodness, I believe I already have enough books as is!"

"You barely even read half of them, we could donate them to a library!" Dahlia giggled, nudging him back.

"Fair enough." Felix said with a soft laugh, looking up at the sky. The clouds had finally parted, the stars winking seductively. The moon shone a brilliant pastel orange tonight, and for the first time this past, hectic week, the two detectives felt like they finally had time to breathe.

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