For Maddy

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Maddy's POV

Running out of the movie theater with Luke, laughing our heads off hysterically as we remember funny scenes from the movie we just saw. Once we reached the car, Luke opened it for me helping me into the car since I was shorter than him. Giving me a quick peck on the cheek and running around to his side of the car, he got in still giggling.

"That movie was hilarious," I said giggling. "Couldn't agree more Mads." Starting the car and driving away from the theater, the music lightly played in the background. Humming softly to the tune of the familiar song I couldn't name, I looked over smiling at Luke. "You're staring," Luke smirked, eyes still on the road ahead. "Well I can't help that my boyfriend is extremely handsome." "Now that's where you are wrong my love." "And why's that Hemmings?" "Because you are far more prettier than me," he smiled before stopping at the stop light, kissing me lightly on the lips. "You win this time Hemmings, but next time you better buy me ice cream." "Anything my girl wants she gets."

As soon as the light turned red at the next stop light, Luke pecked my lips again, making me feel butterflies erupt in my belly and sparks to fly through me. "Why do you keep kissing me at stop lights?" "Because I am in love with you and can do it if I want." "I could get used to this," smirking at him with the sparkle in my eye returning. "You're doing it again." "Doing what?" "The sparkle in your eye is back." "I just feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have you." "I disagree." "Why's that," I questioned him, taking his hand in mind on the middle console.

"Maddy you found me when I was at my lowest. You taught me how to love again and I will always be thankful for you. I plan on marrying you and making you my Mrs.Hemmings." "You have helped me too Luke." "You showed what it was like to love someone." "Let's go home and cuddle." "Sounds good future Mrs.Hemmings."

Blushing at his comment, he put his focus back on the road. Putting my head on the window I started to slowly drift off, listening to the sound of my boyfriend's angelic voice. We got home shortly afterwords, Luke carrying me into the house and to the bedroom. Laying me down softly on the bed, I couldn't help but smile in my sleep from how sweet he was being. "Goodnight future Mrs.Hemmings," he whispered wrapping his arms around me. I truly am lucky to have found someone like Luke.


Author's Note: Hey everyone! Hope you like this imagine. This is for one of my bestest friends Maddy!

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