Chapter 7

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It was a hot, sunny Sunday afternoon when Bliss walked down to the edge of the Forbidden Forest. She decided to explore the place because how many times do you get trapped inside your favorite book? Bliss knew that she wasn't supposed to go into the forest, but she already was in there once when she came here. She didn't get attacked by anything that time so what's the harm of staying on the tree line of the forest?

Bliss sat down on the hard ground against one of the tree's, facing the castle. she still couldn't believe that she was inside of the story! it just wasn't possible! But being trapped inside the book wasn't the only thing on her mind, she was also thinking about Rowan Ford. The Slytherin hadn't made a very good first impression on Bliss, but for some reason she couldn't get him off her mind.

She sat there, against the tree, thinking about things roaming in her brain when she saw something out of the corner of her eye. Bliss turned, looking into the forest to see if she saw it again. nothing, she saw nothing. Curiosity got the best of Bliss once again, as she stood up and slowly made her way into the Forbidden Forest. With every step, more darkness consumed Bliss. Soon enough, she had to pull her wand out and attempt the "lumos" spell. It took her a couple of tries but Bliss eventually got it.

With her lightened wand held in front of her, she walked even farther into the forest. She was so occupied in finding what she saw that she didn't even notice how cold it had gotten. Without even realizing it, she was rubbing her arms trying to get them warmer. She soon had to stop walking because she was so cold and it was so dark. What happened to the hot afternoon?

Bliss was growing more a more scared by the second. It was so cold, she couldn't feel the tips of her fingers and she was shaking violently. She tried to figure out what was going on but it was like her brain had frozen as well as her body. She decided to go back to the castle and quickly turned around. But when she did, she found something that made her fall to the ground.

In the past few second of her thinking what to do, the temperature dropped dangerously low. Bliss was on the hard forest floor, clutching her hands to her chest trying to keep them warm. Her lips were numb and her fingers were tinted blue. Bliss could do nothing to stop the trembling throughout her whole body. But the cold and the blackness surrounding her was not the worst part. no, it wasn't even close. The worst thing part was the memories and the feeling of compete and utter sadness.

The memories that came back to Bliss were not pleasant ones. They were far from it, possibly the worst she has. Bliss was 6 years old, sitting on the park bench. Her mother had bought her ice cream. Bliss didn't know why, her mom never bought her anything special like this. But Bliss wasn't complaining. she sat on the bench eating the cold treat, happily watching squirrels chase each other up and down trees. She was happy. Until she looked at her mother. The second she looked into her eyes, she knew something was wrong.

"Bliss," she had said, "i want you to know that daddy loved you. he loved you and Marie so much."

"i know momma. he tells me everyday." Bliss replied.

Her mother hesitated before continuing, "and you know that nothing can live forever right? everything must come to an end?"

Bliss nodded, not knowing what that had to do with the conversation.

When Bliss looked into her mothers eyes next, tears where dripping from them and rolling down her cheeks. "Bliss. Daddy got in an accident today. Daddy isn't here anymore."

Bliss remembered not knowing what she meant, "what do you mean momma? I don't understand."

Her mother had a hard time saying what came next. "someone shot daddy. they killed him."

At that moment, Bliss remembers breaking down crying. Her and her mother sat there crying for what seemed like ages. Tears began to trickle down Bliss's cheek as she sat on the hard forest floor. She hated that day when her mom had given her the news that her dad had died. Bliss now didn't only feel cold on the outside, her inside was drained of warmth too. The memories were too strong and they had drained all the happiness out of her.

drained all the happiness out

Bliss was remembering now. freezing cold, darkness, no happiness. If her theory was right, Bliss was in big trouble. Just to prove her theory correct, when Bliss looked up, looking down at her was a dark, hooded figure. She would of screamed if she wasn't so scared. Every muscle in her body tensed as she looked strait into the black hole of nothingness that was under the Dementors hood.

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