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You know how when you learn something new, you start seeing it everywhere? Maybe a word that you never knew the meaning of, but once you did, it's like everyone seems to have started using that very word.

Did it ever happen with a person? It never did for me. Not until now. As I was walking outside my apartment to take out my trash, I glanced at Alex up the street. He hasn't seen me yet and I don't know if I should even approach him. Do I walk towards him? Away from him? Maybe he knows what the back of my head looks like. Why am I acting like this? And why are my palms suddenly clammy? Am I about to faint? I haven't seen him since the night he helped me with my luggage, which was close to two weeks ago. I had spotted him last week, just a glance before he hopped in a car, all cute and mysterious with his perfectly messy hair and stubble. Since then, I couldn't stop thinking about him.

Okay, I was thinking about him before then, too.

I look back at him and he hasn't looked up from his phone, but I just can't help but look at him. I mean, he's a real beauty. Dark brown hair, honey-golden eyes. Thick, sculpted arms with some ink on both of them.

When he looks up his eyes shoot straight to mine and he smiles. "Hey," he calls to me. I give a wimpy, awkward wave, waiting for him to catch up. I wish I could rewind a few seconds and use a little more confidence Monica was making me practice.

"Hi," I say when he's closer.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine. Yourself?"

"Better now." He smiles. My heart flutters. What the fuck? Why is it doing that?

"Where are you off to?"

"Just to get takeout. Ramen night tonight." He rubbed his hands together quickly, excitedly. It was so cute.

"That's nice. I hope you enjoy it."

"Do you like ramen?"

"I haven't had much to really determine that."

"Really? Well, would you like to join me?" I couldn't think of a reason to say no. I didn't have anything else to do really, except... Well, nothing.

"Sure. I'd like that." His eyes lit up and he smiled a full, gorgeous smile. It showed off the small wrinkles next to his eyes that were in hiding before. I noticed now he has freckles dusted across his face. His eyelashes were long, and he was gazing at me.

"Great. It's not far from here, actually."

-: ✧ :-

We walked a few blocks south of my apartment, to a small, hole-in-the-wall ramen restaurant that you would have missed if you weren't looking. They didn't have an awning in the front because, frankly, the space was too small to fit one. It was just the name painted on the brick above the doors and the sign outside the door on the sidewalk.

The inside was very small with only a handful of tables, but it was packed. I can tell they compensated by putting some tables and chairs outside but those were full too.

"Wow, this place must be good," I say in amazement. I've never been in a restaurant fully stoked with people before. Is that sad?

"Good doesn't even cover it. What do you want? And it's on me."

"Wouldn't that make this a date then?" I say playfully with a wink. He seemed surprised at my bluntness.

"Well, I was going to get to that sometime... I just didn't know how soon was too soon."

I nodded, understanding the struggle. I didn't know whether or not I could text him, or call him and ask him out. I didn't want to be overtly obvious that I thought he was, well, stunning, and that I wanted to spend time with him. It was a warm day out, and he had on a loose t-shirt. Or, it looked like it should have been loose if his chest and arms didn't fill it out so much. Muscular. Not too hairy either. I realized I was staring and quickly looked away.

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