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Meredith's POV.

I love you.

He loves me. As soon as he sadi that, my eyes literally popped open, and I've been staring at space ever since, with those thre words circling around my head, threatening to kill me. He loves me, he loves me, he loves I suppose to feel ecstatic, or should I be horrified? How can he love me? Do I even know what love means? Can I love him? Do I love him?...What kind of questions are these? I mean, I guess I can love him...and I do love him...did I just say that? Yes, I love him...okay, that's done. Now what?...wait, why am I spending all this time talking to myself? He probably just said that because I let him sleep with me. Besides, he said tit to the sleeping me, which doesn't count, right?

I finally drift off to sleep, which was a surprisingly good sleep. Hummmm...what's that noise? I thought, but I was too sleepy to bother to look. Then I feel the sun on my face.

"Derek, quit playing with the remote control. I want to sleep." I mumbled. Apparently, penthouse on fifth avenue have remote controls for opening the shades. I patted the other side of my bed, but found nothing. I sat up, confused.


"You called?' He answered, walking back with a spatula in his hand, still in his pajamas.

"Why are you up so early? And why are the shades up?" I asked groggily.

"Well, you said you wanted crepes for breakfast last night, so I'm making crepes. And the shades are there to wake you up. Now keep you cute ass in bed, I'm bring the breakfast up." He ordered and walked back to the kitchen.

"You don't have to." I called out, flopping back onto my pillow.

"Not taking no for an answer."

Pretty soon, he came back with a tray in hand.

"You're breakfast is ready, my lady." He said in an English butler accent, complete with one hand behind his back.

I can't help but giggle as he sat down the tray between us and sat down facing me.

"Come here." I said as I leaned forward and cupped his face, kissing him several times on the lips. "Thank you. This is amazing."

"I aim to impress." He said smoothly. "So..I've got some strong coffee, and crepes with fresh berries and whipping cream. Is there anything else you want, my love?"

"It's perfect." I said, and I can't stop smiling. And I bet I'm blushing.

Then I heard him laugh, looking at me. "What?" I panicked.

"Your hair." He said.

I looked beside me at the mirror on the vanity. And I have pieces of hair sticking, artistically, at all different direction. I quickly tried to smooth them out.
Great. This is suppose to be romantic!

"Don't, don't. Leave it. I like it." He said, grabbing my hands.

"You like crazy bedheads?" I asked, looking at him like he was nuts.

"It just happend to look fantastic on you." He said smilingly, stroking my cheek. "Now eat." He ordered as he began cutting up the crepes and fed me.

"It's okay. I can feed myself." I said, giggling. I freaking love breakfast in bed!

"Come on, let me take care of you. You're too skinny." He said, still feeding me.

"Oh, so you like them curvy?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"If I said yes, will you eat?"

"Maybe." I teased as I used my finger to scoop up a dollop of whipping cream and licked it off my finger.

"Mmmm...I love this." I moaned out, enjoying the affect I had on him.

"You're such a tease." He said, trying to keep his breath stable. You're too easy!

"You're not complaining." I said as I kept up my act.

"Then I take it that I'm forgiven?' He said, still watching me.

"Completely forgiven. And you're a great cook, well breakfast maker, well they're kinda the same." I rambled. Why am I rambling?

"Umm...about last night" He began, a bit unsure.

"I heard you." I said quickly.


"I heard you...say...that you love me." Am I making a mistake? Please don't! I don't want to be the fool agan.

"You did?" He asked surprised. Maybe I should've kept quiet. Why do I have to talk so much?

"Yeah..I did...and umm..." Should I say it? Should I not? Am I being stupid? Of course I am!

"You don't have to say it now. I won't pressure you to. I just wanted to get it out." He said, putting his hand up. Why did he say that?

"I heard your little speech too...did you mean it? Even the three little words?" I asked, suddenly afraid, and I hugged my knees to my chest. Is he just playing?

"Every word, I mean it, and especially the three little word. Mere...I ready for this, even though I probably don't have the best track record, but I mean have to trust me." He pleaded, as he took my hand from my knees.


"Mmmhmm..and I can wait." He said, looking at me hopefully.

"I love you." I whispered, watching his reaction. And he quickly reached out to grabbed me, but winced in pain instead.

"What is it?"

"My...arm." He let out. He, acting too fast, forgot he actually had a broken arm. I quickly adjusted the straps on his arm, and he sighed in relief.

"Now, get on my lap." He ordered. I obeyed and giggled all the way. As soon as I sat down, he rain showers of kisses on my face.

"I love you, Mere. I love you." He whiserped as he lightly placed a kiss on the tip of my nose then on my lips.

"I love you too." I whispered back. This is it. I'm in this. I'm done.

"But I will always love you more." He said, and I giggled in his mouth as he kissed me hard.

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