Vampire Secrets

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Heyy guys!  Heres the next chapter of Vampire Secrets!


Madi  <3

Chapter 7

We landed around an hour later, in what looked like Japan.  I looked around gaping, it was beautiful! The lights, the shops, it was almost too much to take in.  I thought we would check into a hotel, but Ryan just said to wait and see. We made our way up the side of a steep mountain. The others were following close behind in all terrain vehicles.  We went about three quarters of the way up and stopped. I looked around, expecting to at least see a house. But then all of a sudden Ryan pressed a button on his key chain and a sheet of rock fell away. Inside what looked like a cave were more werewolves, all carrying weapons. They checked our  id’s and respectfully nodded before letting us pass.

“Ryan, What is this place?” I asked, officially confused.

“Its going to be our home for a couple weeks. Until the council settles down and assumes your dead.”  He explained.

I couldn’t imagine spending three weeks in this cave without even the bare nessitys. But I guess I could live anywhere, as long as Ryans there too. Before I could get to upset about not even seeing a bathroom, Ryan pressed in another code. And all of a sudden the rocks at the back of the cave parted.  I stood there staring. Inside was what looked a military base. Men were walking around carrying weapons. Some were training with them, others just patrolling.  We walked right into what I guessed was the main building.  The first room was like a community lounge, and soldiers were relaxing after a hard day of training. But they all stood at attention when they saw Ryan. Each one respectfully saying  ‘Alpha’ and nodding to him. They didn’t sit back down until Ryan had nodded back and pulled me up the grand staircase to what I guessed were our rooms.

When I looked back all of our friends were downstairs. Chatting and relaxing. Well most of them were, except for Jax and Timmy who were carefully looking around evaluating their surroundings.  My sister and body guards were watching me, as usual. I smiled and mouthed ‘relax’ before Ryan pulled me around a corner and into our room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2011 ⏰

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